
Tag Implication: american_flag_bikini -> bikini + american_flag

Posted under General

But Zekana was just giving consequents for the implications, right?


I've been kinda wondering if we can't just do a general flag_print(_swimsuit) tag.

after reading Log's post again, perhaps we can have a tag for when a nation's flag design is on anything that isn't a flag, like a bandana or a bikini or a person's car. a tag like flag_print. then we can add what nationality it is and what the clothing itself is.
so, for instance, if someone was wearing a t-shirt with the design of the french flag, then we would tag it is flag print, france, t-shirt, or something like that.


I like flag_print + country, and of course the article of clothing would be included as well.

RaisingK said: As consequents of american flag bikini implications, or instead of american flag bikini?

Well, generally I don't think we need a compound tag for something like this, so instead of. We wouldn't make a tag for chinese_flag_shirt or french_flag_panties.

The question is whether we make an exception for american_flag_bikini. Is there a strong case for doing so?

The only real argument I could see in favor of it is the fact that it pretty much dominates the genre. Japanese people seem to think Americans are patriotic and shameless, and since it's anime, most end up being female. Thus a preponderance of American flag bikinis.

As far as swimwear goes, I think most flag_print swimsuits I've seen that are not American are done to contrast with ones that are (e.g. post #130487).

I'm fine leaving american_flag_bikini then. flag_print + clothing item for the others. Did implications to bikini and flag_print.

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