
Tag Alias: christmas_tree_(cosplay) -> christmas_tree_costume

Posted under General

I think this would make sense if there is an actual costume involved, but of the 13 images under the christmas_tree_(cosplay) there are plenty where there isn't a real costume involved. For example, in post #173805 there isn't so much a costume as just dressing up with a few Christmas Tree decorations. Images like post #580487 on the other hand do involve an actual costume. I would not support labeling something like post #802471 as a Christmas_tree_costume.

There is also this outlier, post #594041, where the character isn't dressed up as a tree, but is being used the Christmas tree ornaments.

Yeah, but if costume doesn't make sense for those images, do they really count as "cosplay" either?

Well I think having a broader name would be better, which may not necessarily be the current tag, but your proposal would mean that those images go untagged because you're instituting an even narrower tag.

As for cosplay, I don't know. Perhaps if someone were to very broadly use it might be appropriate, but I think "dress up" (like the children's game) would likely be more appropriate or something similar.

Cosplay is derived from "costume play." If cosplay is appropriate so is costume. Cosplay, however, is more often associated with actual characters.

Either way, though, it's semantics. I'm pretty sure even the average member can figure out that "christmas tree costume" means "dressed up as a tree" even in a more loose context such as post #594041 because there really isn't a much better way to tag that.

Because down the road someone is going to go "implicate: christmas_tree_costume -> costume Reason: A Christmas Tree Costume is a Costume of a Christmas tree."

I don't think it is just semantics when you can clearly split the images under the tag between just being decorated up as a tree and actually wearing an outfit that looks like a tree. A person can wear a pair of paw gloves and cat ears, but that doesn't mean they're wearing a cat costume.

I think it would be better to have a much broader named tag for all depictions of being dressed up as a tree and a "Christmas Tree Costume" restructed to those in which the outfit is explicitly designed to appear as the tree. This might seem overkill for what is currently such a small pool of images, but this way would leave a much better setup in place if in the future there is a large increase in the images. I'm quite sure that people would like a method to be able to find the general being dressed up as a Christmas tree, but also be able to specifically find images in which it is a true costume to make them look like a tree. Lumping them all together without a method to differentiate would be bad policy and shortsighted in my opinion. Making it harder/complex now isn't a big price to pay to make it easier down the road.


Well, after being reminded about this after tagging another christmas tree costume, the inconsistent _(cosplay) distinction still looks silly to me. Only two people responded here, so any more thoughts?

While it cosplay should refer to character outfits and costume to generic it doesn't actually work that way and I can't even imagine how much work it would take to fix it. I would say only touch this specific tag if someone's willing to do the work to correct the rest.

Log said:

While it cosplay should refer to character outfits and costume to generic it doesn't actually work that way and I can't even imagine how much work it would take to fix it. I would say only touch this specific tag if someone's willing to do the work to correct the rest.

What other examples are there of generic outfits not tied to a particular copyright or character being tagged with a _(cosplay) qualifier?


Doing a quick *_costume search yields tons of different costume types such as different types of animals, various foods, Santa-like outfits, and even a plain tree_costume tag to name a few. For a Christmas tree to have the (cosplay) qualifier added seems odd to me because cosplays generally denote that one person is dressed up as another person. The above mentioned costume tags are of generic items or animals which Christmas trees would fall under, or widely popular mythos such as Santa Claus.

Log said:

sailor senshi (cosplay) isn't tied to a character and I think there's at least one more that isn't tied to anything but I can't recall what offhand.

I did say copyright too, and that's tied to the Sailor Moon copyright.

jxh2154 said:

Agree christmas tree is an outlier and should be changed. Moved to christmas_tree_costume.

Should I clear out all cosplay tags from the posts? I would think that it would only apply if a character is in a particular christmas tree costume from another copyright, and none of them do. I think christmas_tree should be removed from a few too. Strictly speaking, the tag could only be used for actual trees, possibly extending to costumes that look like the tree on a person like post #1062633 and post #982366, but I don't think it should be used for a costume with just the ornaments and/or color scheme.


EB said: Should I clear out all cosplay tags from the posts? I would think that it would only apply if a character is in a particular christmas tree costume from another copyright, and none of them do. I think christmas_tree should be removed from a few too.

I'd agree with both of these.

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