
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

jxh2154 said:

People have been asking for a thread where feedback on uploads could be obtained. So here it is. I have some reservations about how acrimonious this thread is likely to get, and if it turns into nothing more than a flame-fest, I will lock it.

Rules for those requesting feedback:
#1 - You are not guaranteed feedback. It is entirely voluntary to give it.
#2 - Danbooru may simply not be an appropriate place for your favorite art. If so, accept this and move on.
#3 - Try not to be too thin-skinned,and don't take things personally.

Rules for those giving feedback:
#1 - Give constructive feedback only.
#2 - Refrain from name-calling. Asking people to be thick-skinned doesn't mean you're allowed to be insulting.

Why was my post deleted

skylightcrystal said:

One of the blonde girl's thighs is twice the length of the other.
Bad hands on the girl with the curly hair.
The girl with the horn's upper body seems much further forward than her lower body based on its relation to the stuff around it.

@skylightcrystal : Sorry, I took almost one month to see your reply.

I agree with your assessment. I used to think post #3318707 was great, but you helped me see the problems with it.

I would like a more adequate feedback, I have uploaded some of my work to the platform and although some have come to have some I like they are eliminated. The reason that gives me is not too like the moderators and I would like to know what is wrong or what is the problem of what has gone up.

Megaserlex said:

I would like a more adequate feedback, I have uploaded some of my work to the platform and although some have come to have some I like they are eliminated. The reason that gives me is not too like the moderators and I would like to know what is wrong or what is the problem of what has gone up.

Uploads of art you make yourself will be held to a much higher standard. That said, your art isn't of high enough quality to be likely to get approved regardless; I think your coloring is very basically okay, but that's about it. You'd be much better off posting your work to a site designed for artists to post their own work to and asking its users for their feedback.

OOZ662 said:

Uploads of art you make yourself will be held to a much higher standard. That said, your art isn't of high enough quality to be likely to get approved regardless; I think your coloring is very basically okay, but that's about it. You'd be much better off posting your work to a site designed for artists to post their own work to and asking its users for their feedback.

Without offending anyone, I have seen some uploads from other users and it is not precisely that they exceed quality and are still approved. I do not know what to think honestly is a personal question, they grab some specific users and whatever they upload they erase it or they really consider whether it has potential or not. As I said I find it strange there are several things hanging around on the page that I do not know if their quality standards take it seriously or as a joke.
Finally thanks for your time I guess ... with such an answer I do not know what to think about the page.

irislover said:

post #3337036


Why was it deleted?

It’s bland and boring. Most TV anime isn’t exactly known for its art quality and details. Most is rather simplistic because there are so many frames that need to be animated. Making a vector trace of a screenshot makes the image look sharper but doesn’t make the contents any more interesting.

I would like to know why post #3342105 was deleted, while this post #3341874 that shares the same qualities and is made by the the same artist got approved. Admittedly post #3342105 was drawn with a kind of 3d effect, but i can´t really see how it would make the quality of the artwork any less than post #3341874, as they are fairly the same quality in color and lineart. May I have some feedback and help on how i could see whats wrong with this deleted post of mine so that i can avoid this in my future uploads?


Koishichan meant to say:

Why are my uploads not getting approved, Danbooru?

Jojo’s cool and all, but you need to upload something better than scribbles. Yaoi isn’t particularly popular, so that won’t score you any bonus points either to balance out the sketchiness.

post #3355084
post #3355027

How are those getting deleted? They're really good quality and don't give me that "well it doesn't meet our expectations or rules" or some crap lmao

How are those different from post #3358610 or post #3343519

And something like this post #3335945 gets auto-approve even though it's not even comparable? I don't know unless you have something against elferan it's really clearly NOT understandable for me that his work is auto-deleted by every mod.

post #3359016

This post is pretty much the same as post #3038520, which was approved, except without the deviantart watermark, since I uploaded it from the artist's Tumblr.

I'd like to know why it was deleted. Did I miss anything?

Thank you in advance.