
Producer (Idolmaster)

Posted under General

I've been thinking the producer_(idolmaster) tag could be divided up into three separate tags:

1) The producer as he appears in the anime series.
2) Producer with the letter "P" for a head.
3) Any nondescript or unofficial producer with a human head.

At the very least, I think the first two could have their own tag in addition to producer_(idolmaster) to make them more easily searchable.

EB said:

I haven't started the tag (and probably won't have time to populate it properly if I do), but I'm thinking of going with anime_producer_(idolmaster) for #1, and for the producer that appears in the Idolmaster Cinderella Girls anime (if images of him start to be uploaded): anime_producer_(idolmaster_cinderella_girls).

I went with producer_(idolmaster)_(anime) for now since my initial idea might look confusing (as if the character is an "anime producer" when he's not). And producer_(idolmaster_cinderella_girls) has been started by someone else, which I guess is fine, as long as users don't confusingly tag nondescript producers with it just because they happen to be with the CG idols.

If there are no objections, I'll add those as aliases to the thread, then.

Magus said:

We've got a t-head admiral tag for Kancolle, seems like there should be a p-head producer tag for Idolmaster as well. Oh I see there is. Is that newly-created or just not sufficiently used?

As I mentioned above, I started it around the same time as t-head admiral. I never really got around to properly populating it, though.

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