tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #100185 2008-03-02T16:23:25-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/77619 2008-03-02T16:23:25-05:00 2008-03-02T16:23:25-05:00 @bluishwolf on post #100185 (ayanami rei and horaki hikari (neon genesis evangelion) drawn by erumo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3f/0b/3f0bbe51861819d3ce3c9a89c7918672.jpg"/> <p>But you're going to be in a giant robot, anyway, so who cares?</p> bluishwolf /users/49212 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/77601 2008-03-02T14:16:46-05:00 2008-03-02T14:16:46-05:00 @Observing on post #100185 (ayanami rei and horaki hikari (neon genesis evangelion) drawn by erumo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3f/0b/3f0bbe51861819d3ce3c9a89c7918672.jpg"/> <p>Plug suits are only for people who are fit and athletic. One can easily look in a plugsuit more like a beached whale than anything else.</p> Observing /users/27888 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/51720 2007-02-19T19:11:31-05:00 2007-02-19T19:11:31-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100185 (ayanami rei and horaki hikari (neon genesis evangelion) drawn by erumo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3f/0b/3f0bbe51861819d3ce3c9a89c7918672.jpg"/> <p>I want a plugsuit too!!</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13