tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1007524 2020-03-27T10:05:54-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1992601 2020-03-27T10:05:54-04:00 2020-03-27T10:05:54-04:00 @L.A.L.A. on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>.... why do I think this may be more canon in some way? Like... People say that’s Sakuya could die in the future because she’s a human, but why if it wasn’t like that, and maybe almost all the members of the mansion could have died before her, leaving her alone? (Alone, with some “useless” fairy maids of course)... as well, this also mentions that Marisa died and that’s Reimu’s got a grand daughter (just like in <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=Touhou_-_The_End_of_the_Maiden%27s_Illusion_(Chameleon_(Ryokucha_Combo)">The end of the maiden's illusion</a>) ), making it like, the author also got inspiration to make this like- semi-canon or the author of Maiden's Illusion got inspired to make it canon with it...?</p> L.A.L.A. /users/736106 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1437582 2015-08-23T14:27:37-04:00 2015-08-23T14:27:37-04:00 @Nana1177 on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Author's idea may base on canon information about Sakuya but modified in extremely way. It mention in PMiSS, Sakuya possible live for hundred years but still appear as young woman and may related with her time manipulation that it possible to imply Sakuya can stop or slow her age.</p> Nana1177 /users/398018 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1264313 2014-05-13T20:14:42-04:00 2014-05-13T20:14:42-04:00 @unicron245 on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>I am crying a river now. Having Osana Reimu's OST playing in the background did not help</p> unicron245 /users/367311 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1253994 2014-04-09T13:39:31-04:00 2014-04-09T13:39:31-04:00 @bangnhi on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>As heart-breaking and tragic it is, this is the best "Tragedy of Long Life" I've ever read.</p> bangnhi /users/343452 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205276 2013-11-07T01:11:57-05:00 2013-11-07T01:11:57-05:00 @Chibi_Musashi on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>To whoever(Traze) added this to the pool and thus bumped it. You magnificent bastard, the feels.</p> Chibi_Musashi /users/334496 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1018485 2012-05-21T19:36:19-04:00 2012-05-21T19:36:19-04:00 @HT_Rock on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Remember the first rule of storytelling, folks; any rule can be broken if it makes for a good story.</p><p>In lighter news: Flan in Chucks and striped socks like she's Avril Lavigne works surprisingly well.</p> HT_Rock /users/226703 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1018482 2012-05-21T19:29:06-04:00 2012-05-21T19:29:06-04:00 @Hellbus on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Amraphenson said:<br>As far as I understand it, Flandre probably used her power on herself to make sure it was permanent. And so much time has passed that even Remilia's vampiric 'immortality' ran out.</p></blockquote><p>Notice that in Flan's last few panels she looks more adult (or at least taller) compared to the start of the comic.</p> Hellbus /users/71420 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/977363 2012-02-29T01:08:36-05:00 2012-02-29T01:08:36-05:00 @Shin-Houin on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>The epitome of a clock:</p><p>It repeats itself everyday with no end nor beginning. It is something which my culture calls "The Devil's Circle". Basically, its an unending circle where there is no end nor beginning in a circle shape.</p> Shin-Houin /users/340705 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/910293 2011-10-27T19:37:02-04:00 2011-10-27T19:37:02-04:00 @Hellbus on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Giorno_Giovanna said:<br>Is that Marisa in the grave next to Patchouli's?</p></blockquote><p>The stone says "Kirisame," so it must be.</p><p>The only question then is who went first.</p> Hellbus /users/71420 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/908724 2011-10-25T05:05:17-04:00 2011-10-25T05:05:17-04:00 @Lord_Enki on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>WHY DID I COME BACK AN READ THIS AGAIN?! DX</p> Lord_Enki /users/325003 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/907976 2011-10-24T00:06:43-04:00 2011-10-24T00:06:43-04:00 @RaptorJesus on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>ThunderBird said:<br>That means Flandre can't kill herself, and the Luna Dial can go bonkers on Remilia, and she still won't age/die of old age. </p></blockquote><p>I'm pretty sure slashing one's throat will do the trick on a vampire.</p><p>Also, it seems like the Luna Dial drains life itself, which, vampire or not, seems to shorten their time regardless.</p> RaptorJesus /users/218167 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/907582 2011-10-23T11:19:59-04:00 2011-10-23T11:19:59-04:00 @Amraphenson on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>As far as I understand it, Flandre probably used her power on herself to make sure it was permanent. And so much time has passed that even Remilia's vampiric 'immortality' ran out. From this artist's understanding, I guess Remilia had 'effective immortality' while Sakuya had 'true immortality'. And while, to us, Remilia is more or less immortal, to a 'true immortal' like Sakuya, she'd age away and die all the same as everyone else. We might be a drop in the bucket compared to Remilia, but she's a bucket compared to Sakuya's ocean. Or something like that.</p> Amraphenson /users/187963 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/907565 2011-10-23T10:36:27-04:00 2011-10-23T10:36:27-04:00 @ThunderBird on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>RaptorJesus said:</p> <blockquote><p>ThunderBird said:<br>Aren't the Scarlet sisters supposed to be ageless/immortal too? At least the two of them should be keeping Sakuya company.</p></blockquote> <p>Erm... read the story. Flandre kills herself to be with Meiling and Remilia was artificially aged due to Sakuya's Luna Dial.</p> <p>Also, there's theories that Sakuya is Lunarian (where you can die, but not by natural methods) or the Luna Dial keeps her young.</p> </blockquote><p>From dictionary.com: <br>Immortal, adjective:<br>1: not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying: our immortal souls.<br>2: remembered or celebrated through all time: the immortal words of Lincoln.<br>3: not liable to perish or decay; imperishable; everlasting.<br>4: perpetual; lasting; constant: an immortal enemy.</p><p>ageless, adjective<br>1: not aging or appearing to age.<br>2: lasting forever; eternal; undying: the ageless beauty of Greek sculpture.</p><p>That means Flandre can't kill herself, and the Luna Dial can go bonkers on Remilia, and she still won't age/die of old age. </p> ThunderBird /users/331234 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/905992 2011-10-20T18:30:12-04:00 2011-10-20T18:30:12-04:00 @Kumihou on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Heparine said:<br>Ha! It's opposite day!</p></blockquote><p>Okay, I laughed more than I should have, especially at 3:30 AM.</p> Kumihou /users/356596 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/904231 2011-10-17T18:03:38-04:00 2011-10-17T18:03:38-04:00 @6163 on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>This was really amazing. There's nothing else I can say. An original dark twist, a very touhou-like tragedy.</p> 6163 /users/343686 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/904115 2011-10-17T14:11:22-04:00 2011-10-17T14:11:22-04:00 @_cf on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Should this be tagged role reversal? :P</p> _cf /users/72174 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/904112 2011-10-17T14:02:51-04:00 2011-10-17T14:02:51-04:00 @RaptorJesus on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ThunderBird said:<br>Aren't the Scarlet sisters supposed to be ageless/immortal too? At least the two of them should be keeping Sakuya company.</p> <p>I don't know who's worse off: Sakuya, for not aging a single day and watching her friends die, or Mokou, for not aging her single day and watching her friends die, without even the possibility of killing herself to see them on the other side.</p> </blockquote><p>Erm... read the story. Flandre kills herself to be with Meiling and Remilia was artificially aged due to Sakuya's Luna Dial.</p><p>Also, there's theories that Sakuya is Lunarian (where you can die, but not by natural methods) or the Luna Dial keeps her young.</p> RaptorJesus /users/218167 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/903466 2011-10-16T04:08:03-04:00 2011-10-16T04:08:03-04:00 @marc46 on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Nice to see something else. Even though it's just the other way around.</p> marc46 /users/71231 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/903462 2011-10-16T03:59:38-04:00 2011-10-16T03:59:38-04:00 @ThunderBird on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Aren't the Scarlet sisters supposed to be ageless/immortal too? At least the two of them should be keeping Sakuya company.</p><p>I don't know who's worse off: Sakuya, for not aging a single day and watching her friends die, or Mokou, for not aging her single day and watching her friends die, without even the possibility of killing herself to see them on the other side.</p> ThunderBird /users/331234 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/903093 2011-10-15T14:30:13-04:00 2011-10-15T14:30:13-04:00 @Heparine on post #1007524 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by shiroshi_(denpa_eshidan)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e1/16/e116920275d5702378663d341d8f1090.jpg"/> <p>Ha! It's opposite day!</p> Heparine /users/332670