tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #102466 2016-06-28T15:51:43-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1554922 2016-06-28T15:51:43-04:00 2016-06-28T15:51:43-04:00 @swartzwald on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MD_Anonymous said:</p> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://e-hentai.org/m/g/d/s/s/2876/?&amp;arg_listpage=8">http://e-hentai.org/m/g/d/s/s/2876/?&amp;arg_listpage=8</a></p> </blockquote><p>Nothing there. Invalid id.</p> swartzwald /users/312582 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/604959 2010-09-05T03:00:28-04:00 2010-09-05T03:00:28-04:00 @FateOfTime on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Endless 8! Begone!</p> FateOfTime /users/305865 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/596415 2010-08-26T10:28:37-04:00 2010-08-26T10:28:37-04:00 @piespy on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Because the parent is the cover of the doujinshi from which this panel was cropped.</p> piespy /users/9685 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/595849 2010-08-25T17:03:15-04:00 2010-08-25T17:03:15-04:00 @JakeBob on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>So, why's this a child post to the parent? I don't see the connection.</p> JakeBob /users/230231 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/595801 2010-08-25T16:10:19-04:00 2010-08-25T16:10:19-04:00 @Yutario on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>"My parents are dead!"</p> Yutario /users/142214 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/594150 2010-08-23T18:50:33-04:00 2010-08-23T18:50:33-04:00 @Wilfriback on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Kyon did it for the lulz and for the great justice!</p> Wilfriback /users/232495 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/587171 2010-08-14T23:27:55-04:00 2010-08-14T23:27:55-04:00 @moeRitsuMio on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Fluffz0rs said:<br>Silly Anonymous-kun, haven't you ever read a hentai doujin? They always hate it at first, but then reach a world-shattering orgasm in exactly ten pages worth of switching through common positions while saying awkward, out-of-context things that no actual person says during sex because of how silly they sound.<br>u idiot not everyone like to be raped! it's miserable and the most painful thing becuz we're being forced not willing to do that! it will haunt you forever! rapers should die! goddamit u like to rape people ain't cha? </p></blockquote> moeRitsuMio /users/324995 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/505448 2010-05-15T14:37:09-04:00 2010-05-15T14:37:09-04:00 @Fluffz0rs on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anonymous said:<br>girls don't like getting raped or punched. that is why you will die alone.</p></blockquote><p>Silly Anonymous-kun, haven't you ever read a hentai doujin? They always hate it at first, but then reach a world-shattering orgasm in exactly ten pages worth of switching through common positions while saying awkward, out-of-context things that no actual person says during sex because of how silly they sound.</p> Fluffz0rs /users/106776 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/135458 2008-11-17T17:39:26-05:00 2008-11-17T17:39:26-05:00 @10half on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anonymous said:<br>girls don't like getting raped or punched. that is why you will die alone.</p></blockquote><p>I've never hit a girl in my life, and I'm quite certain that I'm going to die lonely and bitter.</p> 10half /users/47806 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/49521 2007-02-14T16:04:14-05:00 2007-02-14T16:04:14-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>girls don't like getting raped or punched. that is why you will die alone.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/47873 2007-02-11T04:52:19-05:00 2007-02-11T04:52:19-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://e-hentai.org/m/g/d/s/s/2876/?&amp;arg_listpage=8">http://e-hentai.org/m/g/d/s/s/2876/?&amp;arg_listpage=8</a></p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/47834 2007-02-11T03:43:28-05:00 2007-02-11T03:43:28-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-comment-id-link" href="/comments/44994">comment #44994</a><br>what doujinshi is it from?</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/47726 2007-02-10T21:36:18-05:00 2007-02-10T21:36:18-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Don't worry, if you read the doujinshi, it turns out she likes it.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/45203 2007-02-05T09:50:32-05:00 2007-02-05T09:50:32-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Damn right!</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/45007 2007-02-05T00:39:47-05:00 2007-02-05T00:39:47-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-comment-id-link" href="/comments/44994">comment #44994</a><br>Girls always love being raped.<br>What else is rape for?</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/44994 2007-02-05T00:24:55-05:00 2007-02-05T00:24:55-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Well I don't think the universe would end seeing as, if you actually read this doujins, he rapes her after this which results in her realizing she loves being dominated :)</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/44206 2007-02-03T03:28:53-05:00 2007-02-03T03:28:53-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>I think she deserved it.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/43033 2007-01-30T21:18:42-05:00 2007-01-30T21:18:42-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>Pwn3d.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/42847 2007-01-30T10:58:11-05:00 2007-01-30T10:58:11-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>You know... We might as well start paying more attention to the doujins of popular shows as oppose to the outragious fanbase of said shows or said shows in discussion. The more sex it has within it, the less your head will hurt. :P</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/42799 2007-01-30T04:46:31-05:00 2007-01-30T04:46:31-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #102466 (suzumiya haruhi and kyon (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu) drawn by tk_(takotsuboya)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d7/76/d77653f244c97e171d22e3badd9766bb.jpg"/> <p>I doubt she would do anything to Kyon, but she would probably wipe out a few galaxies or so, ;)</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13