tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1094349 2019-02-13T18:26:30-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1894082 2019-02-13T18:26:30-05:00 2019-02-13T18:26:30-05:00 @Bucue on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Wado-Ichi-Monji said:</p> <p>I would say Indian Witch due to T-90 (?) and Krinkov AKS-74U but she is very cute &lt;3 ^-^</p> </blockquote><p>Actually she would be Arabic, specifically an Arab witch of the Ostman Empire.</p> Bucue /users/435280 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1894081 2019-02-13T18:25:16-05:00 2019-02-13T18:25:16-05:00 @Bucue on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>AdventZero said:</p> <p>Technically called the Land Striker, but overall they're also called Striker Units just like the airborne unit.</p> </blockquote><p>That is the laymen's term for this kind of striker, but they also officially go by "Mechanized Armored Infantry Tracked Legs", or simply "Tracked Leg Strikers".</p><p>Airborne type Strikers Meanwhile go by: "Mechanized Air Infantry Flight Legs" or simply "Flight Leg Strikers".</p> Bucue /users/435280 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1772900 2017-12-12T20:23:14-05:00 2017-12-12T20:23:14-05:00 @AdventZero on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Technically called the Land Striker, but overall they're also called Striker Units just like the airborne unit.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1772840 2017-12-12T15:59:18-05:00 2017-12-12T15:59:18-05:00 @Reisentanith on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>TheGreens said:</p> <p>Can we make a name for these tank... Legging... Things?</p> </blockquote><p>Striker Unit. Though it is the same name for the airplane type as well.</p> Reisentanith /users/439516 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1750622 2017-10-08T02:25:46-04:00 2017-10-08T02:25:46-04:00 @TheGreens on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Can we make a name for these tank... Legging... Things?</p> TheGreens /users/448299 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/998671 2012-04-11T17:10:26-04:00 2012-04-11T17:10:26-04:00 @Solamarle on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Wait, this was standalone. I'm not sure what I was on.</p> Solamarle /users/96154 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/998670 2012-04-11T17:06:13-04:00 2012-04-11T17:06:13-04:00 @Solamarle on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Oh nice, a part 1/part 2 with different commentary for each.</p><p>1LT Fatima</p><p>First Lieutenant Fatima Tahira (age 18), company commander of the 8th company of the 3rd cavalry division of the Allied Arabian Armed Forces, as well as commander of its 383rd Witch Squadron. Her Strikers are T-72M mobile armor units, and her standard armament consists of the AKS-74U rifle, the G18 pistol, etc. Her familiar is the fennec. The daughter of a Bedouin emir who lives on the outskirts of Kuwait. Aspiring to enter the army at an early age, she was dispatched to take part in cleanup operations on the Siberian southern front and engaged the Neuroi in various local conflicts. During the Gulf War, the 3rd Cavalry Division was evacuated from the capital Riyadh to Abu Dhabi; after joining forces with the Army of the Arabian Sea, they moved north over the eastern oil fields to liberate her home, Kuwait City. Despite not having any particularly distinctive magic, she was one of the preeminent ground witches of the war. "The desert is our friend, we can't lose to this enemy!"</p> Solamarle /users/96154 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/970469 2012-02-16T11:28:49-05:00 2012-02-16T11:28:49-05:00 @gyro5 on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>I wish I knew more of the background so I can write a quote fanfic to this fanfic.</p> gyro5 /users/98201 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/967834 2012-02-11T21:47:28-05:00 2012-02-11T21:47:28-05:00 @dacis2 on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>I see katakana for "Arabia" and a "T-72" in the commentary, so I'm guessing Arab League.</p> dacis2 /users/178033 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/967599 2012-02-11T07:18:59-05:00 2012-02-11T07:18:59-05:00 @Wado-Ichi-Monji on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>I would say Indian Witch due to T-90 (?) and Krinkov AKS-74U but she is very cute &lt;3 ^-^</p> Wado-Ichi-Monji /users/368954 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/967455 2012-02-11T01:19:26-05:00 2012-02-11T01:19:26-05:00 @gustwind on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Bedouin witch?</p> gustwind /users/270865 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/967256 2012-02-10T14:32:29-05:00 2012-02-10T14:32:29-05:00 @darthtabby on post #1094349 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5c/cd/5ccd2eb69546bd54d328bcf4deba6fa1.jpg"/> <p>Artist's Commentary:</p><p>ファティマ中尉</p><p>ファティマ・ターヒラ中尉(18歳)アラビア連合陸軍第3騎兵師団・第8中隊長、第383魔女小隊指揮官。ストライカーはT-72M戦闘歩行脚、使用武装はAKS-74U小銃、G18機関拳銃など。使い魔はフェネック。クウェート近郊に居を置くベドウィン族の首長の娘。早くから陸軍に志願し、オラーシャ掃討戦ではシベリア南方戦線に派遣され、ネウロイの局地戦群を相手に戦った。湾岸では、第3騎兵師団が首都リャドよりアブダビ方面へ撤退、アラビア海方面軍へ合流し故郷クウェート市の奪還のため東岸油田地帯を北進した。特別な固有魔法を持たないにも関わらず、陸戦ウィッチとしては戦争中屈指の活躍を見せた。 「砂漠は私達の味方ですもの、敵に勝てっこなんかないわ」</p> darthtabby /users/343796