tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1191357 2012-06-20T07:35:06-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1031656 2012-06-20T07:35:06-04:00 2012-06-20T07:35:06-04:00 @BlueFox on post #1191357 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by karamoneeze) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8c/bf/8cbf0e7a87d6d2ebf8d8f9e494cda98e.jpg"/> <p>"Panties rooted to the ground." I guess it's something like "Panties are a way of life", since there's nothing but females in the Mansion.</p><blockquote><p>KanadeXTenshi said:<br>or : E. Just plain simple panties....</p></blockquote><blockquote><p>Lunatic6 said:<br>...with weird plants, vines, tentacles or something wearing that plain simple panty.</p></blockquote><p>Or we can go with these.</p> BlueFox /users/348377 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1031644 2012-06-20T06:59:54-04:00 2012-06-20T06:59:54-04:00 @Lunatic6 on post #1191357 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by karamoneeze) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8c/bf/8cbf0e7a87d6d2ebf8d8f9e494cda98e.jpg"/> <p>...with weird plants, vines, tentacles or something wearing that plain simple panty.</p> Lunatic6 /users/321535 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1031638 2012-06-20T06:31:12-04:00 2012-06-20T06:31:12-04:00 @KanadeXTenshi on post #1191357 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by karamoneeze) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8c/bf/8cbf0e7a87d6d2ebf8d8f9e494cda98e.jpg"/> <p>or : E. Just plain simple panties....</p> KanadeXTenshi /users/332777 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1031568 2012-06-20T02:39:18-04:00 2012-06-20T02:39:18-04:00 @escav on post #1191357 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by karamoneeze) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8c/bf/8cbf0e7a87d6d2ebf8d8f9e494cda98e.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Wonki said:<br>I wonder what that picture on the wall's supposed to represent...</p></blockquote><p>a. An illustration depicting how the lower class work to raise the higher class upwards using unique visuals.</p><p>b. "Moe" where it pertains to both the "budding" definition and the stereotypical definition as we've come to know it.</p><p>c. Tentacle rape.</p><p>d. All of the above; an illustration of how the lower class rises above the higher class or monarchy such as the French Revolution in a manner similar to how tentacles assault the unsuspecting maiden. Using moe visuals.</p> escav /users/195853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1031527 2012-06-20T00:15:41-04:00 2012-06-20T00:15:41-04:00 @Wonki on post #1191357 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by karamoneeze) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8c/bf/8cbf0e7a87d6d2ebf8d8f9e494cda98e.jpg"/> <p>I wonder what that picture on the wall's supposed to represent...</p> Wonki /users/327639