tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1257384 2012-11-20T07:44:14-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098464 2012-11-20T07:44:14-05:00 2012-11-20T07:44:14-05:00 @Ajisaitea on post #1257384 (barnaby brooks jr, kaburagi t kotetsu, ivan karelin, keith goodman, antonio lopez, and 1 more (tiger & bunny) drawn by kia_(ruruten)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/58/ed580669b294cb60b32dc3d1b749ebda.jpg"/> <p>This is kinda epic. </p> Ajisaitea /users/371133 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1072719 2012-09-16T02:14:41-04:00 2012-09-16T02:14:41-04:00 @FWP on post #1257384 (barnaby brooks jr, kaburagi t kotetsu, ivan karelin, keith goodman, antonio lopez, and 1 more (tiger & bunny) drawn by kia_(ruruten)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/58/ed580669b294cb60b32dc3d1b749ebda.jpg"/> <p>This is gay,</p><p>And I mean that in the classic "having a gay time" way.</p> FWP /users/381608 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1072602 2012-09-15T18:21:27-04:00 2012-09-15T18:21:27-04:00 @Moonspeaker on post #1257384 (barnaby brooks jr, kaburagi t kotetsu, ivan karelin, keith goodman, antonio lopez, and 1 more (tiger & bunny) drawn by kia_(ruruten)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/58/ed580669b294cb60b32dc3d1b749ebda.jpg"/> <p>Weirdly enough, this brings back happy memories of the Happatai's video.</p> Moonspeaker /users/124541 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1072569 2012-09-15T16:25:21-04:00 2012-09-15T16:25:21-04:00 @Zero_00 on post #1257384 (barnaby brooks jr, kaburagi t kotetsu, ivan karelin, keith goodman, antonio lopez, and 1 more (tiger & bunny) drawn by kia_(ruruten)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/58/ed580669b294cb60b32dc3d1b749ebda.jpg"/> <p>the fan girls must be lovin' this along with seymour</p> Zero_00 /users/160583 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1072568 2012-09-15T16:22:17-04:00 2012-09-15T16:22:17-04:00 @eeec on post #1257384 (barnaby brooks jr, kaburagi t kotetsu, ivan karelin, keith goodman, antonio lopez, and 1 more (tiger & bunny) drawn by kia_(ruruten)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/58/ed580669b294cb60b32dc3d1b749ebda.jpg"/> <p>MY EYES!</p> eeec /users/384034