tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1259545 2015-10-19T19:51:05-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1457534 2015-10-16T06:41:22-04:00 2015-10-19T19:51:05-04:00 @Ketuuban on post #1259545 (red, gold, kotone, silver, natsume, and 49 more (pokemon and 8 more) drawn by sngw) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/70/87/7087259dbbf1999526fd103d471aefed.jpg"/> <p>All characters:<br>Ken<br>Ryu (Al)<br>Harry<br>Natsume (Sabrina)<br>Kyou (Koga)<br>Rocket Underling (Rocket Grunt, looks like a mix between R/G/B/Y and pre-BW anime facemask)<br>Lance (Proton)<br>Rocket Underlings (Rocket Grunts, HG/SS) with Delicious Tails (Slowpoke's Tails)<br>Apollo (Archer)<br>What appears to be a Sakaki (Giovanni) poster (?)<br>I suppose it's an Isshu (Unovan) Underling, ex-Rocket member<br>Dr. Fuji<br>Armoured Myutsu (Mewtwo), Sakaki's from anime<br>Yamato (Cassidy)<br>Metamon (Ditto), Mondo's<br>Mondo<br>Musashi (Jessie)<br>Miyamoto<br>Utsubot (Victreebel), Kojirou's<br>Kosaburou (Butch)<br>Sonans (Wobbuffet), Musashi's<br>Rocket Nyarth (Rocket Meowth), in anime an independent member, in games he was Kojirou's and Musashi's<br>Manene (Mime Jr.), Kojirou's<br>Dogars (Koffing), Kojirou's<br>Arbok, Musashi's<br>Dr. Namba<br>Matis (Lt. Surge)<br>Rarecoil (Magneton), Matis' (he wore them like shown on picture)<br>Marumines (Electrodes), Matis' (he wore them like shown on picture)<br>Biriridama (Voltorb) (?), Matis' (he wore them like shown on picture)<br>Katsura (Blaine)<br>Yungerer (Kadabra), Natsume's<br>Lambda (Petrel)<br>Athena (Ariana)<br>Male/Female Rocket Underlings (Rocket Grunts, HG/SS)<br>Delibird, Solicitor's Old Lady (Rocket Scout's), who is not shown on this picture<br>Sabonea (Cacnea), Kojirou's<br>Gingie (Wendy)<br>Utsubot (Victreebel), Kojirou's<br>Kojirou (James)<br>Muskippa (Carnivine), Kojirou's<br>Dr. Shiranui (Prof. Sebastian)<br>Buson (Attila)<br>Vicious/Bishasu (Iron Marauder/Iron-Masked Marauder)<br>Oka (Orm/Oca)<br>Chakra (Carr/Jagura)<br>Saque (Sird/Storc)<br>Silver, as he appears in FR/LG chapters<br>Kamen no Otoko (Mask of Ice, in this form I think known as Masked Man)<br>Siam (Chermaine, Shum, Sham)<br>Kurtz (Keane, Cart, Carl)<br>Red, R/G/B chapters disguise<br>Kotone (Lyra), HG/SS disguise<br>Gold/Hibki (Ethan), HG/SS disguise<br>Wataru (Lance), HG/SS disguise (he also did this in anime)<br>Bashou (Hun)<br>Tatsumi (Tyson)<br>Domino</p><p>Oh boy that's sure a lot, but still few are missing!<br>A lot is not tagged, I'm not really sure about tagging policy here, I would even show which one is which if I knew how to.<br>Some are very well hidden, but it's easy to spot them if you take a closer look.</p> Ketuuban /users/467059 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1074745 2012-09-20T16:36:30-04:00 2012-09-20T16:36:30-04:00 @NeverGonnaGive on post #1259545 (red, gold, kotone, silver, natsume, and 49 more (pokemon and 8 more) drawn by sngw) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/70/87/7087259dbbf1999526fd103d471aefed.jpg"/> <p>So, much, Rocketeering.</p> NeverGonnaGive /users/65656