tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1293530 2012-12-19T10:49:13-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1110410 2012-12-19T10:49:13-05:00 2012-12-19T10:49:13-05:00 @Eevee13Fox on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>I'm a M3 Bradley gunner, so I'm not really a tanker when it comes to asking actual M1 Abrams tankers but, we normally call the whole of practicing mechanized/tanking skills like shooting and driving them "Gunnery".</p> Eevee13Fox /users/100131 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1101459 2012-11-27T17:36:02-05:00 2013-03-08T23:23:46-05:00 @Skribulous on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>Still better than "Tankery".</p> Skribulous /users/39096 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1099273 2012-11-22T06:27:35-05:00 2013-03-08T23:23:59-05:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>"Different strokes for different folks". This phenomenon is common across all cultures. It doesn't matter what a word literally translates to; sometimes, it doesn't even have to be close to the original translation; the fact that it is foreign makes it sound cool. It's why so many Asians use English words on their clothes, and why so many Americans get tattoos of Kanji, and so on and so forth.</p><p>Honestly, I don't care if it's Panzerfahren or not. Although, I believe it should have Panzer in it somewhere, to keep with the theme of the title of the anime. Call it Panzercraft or whatever. </p> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1099103 2012-11-21T21:46:26-05:00 2013-03-08T23:24:05-05:00 @Madcat6204 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>You think "tank driving" sounds cooler than "Way of the Tank?" I think your sense of coolness is a little... odd, there.</p> Madcat6204 /users/156680 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098987 2012-11-21T15:15:03-05:00 2013-03-08T23:23:36-05:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>Meh, I've seen worse translations, such as Tankwondo. Consider the fact that the name of the anime is "Girls und Panzer" and not "Girls and Tank" or "Shoujo to Sensha"; for all of the faults of having so much gratuitous German added to the Commie-Subs translation, the term Panzerfahren is one of the things I feel they did right. Panzerfahren just sounds much cooler than Sensha-dou, in my humble opinion.</p><p>However, if people feel strongly about it, I would recommend starting a forum topic and asking the Danbooru community their opinion on what the translation should be.</p> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098965 2012-11-21T13:34:59-05:00 2012-11-21T13:34:59-05:00 @Madcat6204 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>The only folks who use Panzerfahren are Commie-Subs, who are, unfortunately, usually the first ones to put an episode out. Panzerfahren is a BS translation for Senshadou. In fact, it's not a translation at all: it's just German for "tank driving" and conveys nothing of what the word "Senshadou" would convey to a Japanese audience. A better translation would be "Way of the Tank" which, despite being a bit unwieldy, better conveys the intent of this being a martial art.</p><p>Really, if you're going to insist on using a foreign word for the term, you might as well use the original Japanese one, rather than fake-translating it into German, since German really has no place here at all.</p> Madcat6204 /users/156680 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098602 2012-11-20T15:27:33-05:00 2012-11-20T15:27:33-05:00 @wanchan on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tibbl said:<br>I changed it into "Panzerfahren", as used in the anime.</p></blockquote><p>But the anime uses Sensha-dou. </p> wanchan /users/1137 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1095020 2012-11-11T12:20:31-05:00 2012-11-11T12:20:31-05:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>They don't have the participation rosters for the other teams, however, there is some other stuff, like the tank spec sheets for the Ooarai Girls Academy. I'm in the process of translating those, but there's considerably more text.</p> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1095000 2012-11-11T11:41:18-05:00 2012-11-11T11:41:18-05:00 @Inuchiyo on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>Anyway, thanks for uploading the sheets here. I (almost) can't ge enough of G&amp;P stuff or anything related to WWII tanks.<br>Do they have the other teams (Gloriana, Sanders and the russians *forgot the name*, etc) listed like this on the G&amp;P page, too?</p> Inuchiyo /users/370769 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1094996 2012-11-11T11:27:27-05:00 2012-11-11T11:27:27-05:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tibbl said:<br>The translation for "sensha-do", which was "Panzerfaust", hurt in my eyes. So I changed it into "Panzerfahren", as used in the anime.<br>Sorry for that.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah, thanks for that. I was going from memory for that translation, and for some reason I kept remembering it as Panzerfaust.</p> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1094992 2012-11-11T11:20:17-05:00 2012-11-11T11:20:17-05:00 @Inuchiyo on post #1293530 (sawa azusa, utsugi yuuki, sakaguchi karina, yamagou ayumi, oono aya, and 1 more (girls und panzer) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/2a/582a326969594e96ab388925413744c9.jpg"/> <p>The translation for "sensha-do", which was "Panzerfaust", hurt in my eyes. So I changed it into "Panzerfahren", as used in the anime.<br>Sorry for that.</p><p>Also, nice to see this much difference in favourite tanks. But I had to laugh at Oono Ayas Hotchkiss H35. Out of their favourites, I would choose either the Jagdtiger or the M36.</p> Inuchiyo /users/370769