tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1304875 2012-12-05T08:12:38-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1104399 2012-12-05T08:12:38-05:00 2012-12-05T08:12:38-05:00 @Cyberslayer128 on post #1304875 (haruka, mudkip, arin hanson, and jon jafari (pokemon and 5 more) drawn by ian_chase) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/5a/3a5a89c860e4a4085615efcad184bdaa.jpg"/> <p>Holy crap, I JUST gt into Gamegrumps by seeing their Pokemon Emerald episodes and JUST heard about this. XD</p> Cyberslayer128 /users/374759 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1101547 2012-11-27T23:57:11-05:00 2012-11-27T23:57:11-05:00 @Alignn on post #1304875 (haruka, mudkip, arin hanson, and jon jafari (pokemon and 5 more) drawn by ian_chase) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/5a/3a5a89c860e4a4085615efcad184bdaa.jpg"/> <p>I'd go with the real names, for maximum reusability.</p> Alignn /users/351337 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1101363 2012-11-27T10:27:05-05:00 2012-11-27T10:27:05-05:00 @SonicGTR on post #1304875 (haruka, mudkip, arin hanson, and jon jafari (pokemon and 5 more) drawn by ian_chase) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/5a/3a5a89c860e4a4085615efcad184bdaa.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>ToneGeek said:<br>Should?... Should there be a tag for JonTron and Egoraptor in the back there?</p></blockquote><p>Yes. The question, however, is do we tag them as Egoraptor and JonTron or as Arin Hanson and Jon Jafari?</p> SonicGTR /users/126141 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1101114 2012-11-26T19:05:08-05:00 2012-11-26T19:05:08-05:00 @albino on post #1304875 (haruka, mudkip, arin hanson, and jon jafari (pokemon and 5 more) drawn by ian_chase) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/5a/3a5a89c860e4a4085615efcad184bdaa.jpg"/> <p>Tagged as Game Grumps for max grumpage.</p> albino /users/19831 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1100959 2012-11-26T12:27:41-05:00 2012-11-26T12:27:41-05:00 @ToneGeek on post #1304875 (haruka, mudkip, arin hanson, and jon jafari (pokemon and 5 more) drawn by ian_chase) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/5a/3a5a89c860e4a4085615efcad184bdaa.jpg"/> <p>Should?... Should there be a tag for JonTron and Egoraptor in the back there?</p> ToneGeek /users/370362