tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1314343 2014-06-01T08:56:01-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1269908 2014-06-01T08:56:01-04:00 2014-06-01T08:56:01-04:00 @arisboch on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Kiba said:</p> <p>Stalin didn't ignore the warnings, that "warnings" came from trotskists and revisionists who wants to see a war started by the soviets, so they can critiquize Stalin for that.</p> <p>In that case the capitalists would atack the soviets for the agression.</p> <p>Stalin wasn't Hitlers friend or something, the CCCP was growing faster than Germany, so they need time for became stronger and destroy the nazism.</p> </blockquote><p>In the 2nd decade of the 21th century, there are still Stalinists left? And why would these dipshits come to danbooru, of all places?! ХУЙ ТЕБЕ В РОТ!!!</p> arisboch /users/396439 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1251799 2014-04-01T20:28:52-04:00 2014-04-01T20:28:52-04:00 @Skribulous on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>arisboch said:</p> <p>My blood-thirsty dictator can't be that cute!</p> </blockquote><p>This is pretty much the summary for this entire pool.</p> Skribulous /users/39096 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1244282 2014-03-06T04:10:36-05:00 2014-03-06T04:10:36-05:00 @arisboch on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>My blood-thirsty dictator can't be that cute!</p> arisboch /users/396439 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1180847 2013-08-13T19:21:09-04:00 2013-08-13T19:21:09-04:00 @Nagumo on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>psnuker said:</p> <p>The upper-right panel technically isn't correct. Stalin's initial reaction to the German invasion was certainly one of shock, but he buckled down and threw himself into his work for that solid first week. It was when he learned of the fall of Minsk that he had the nervous breakdown and fled to his Dacha outside of Moscow for two days until the rest of the Politburo worked up the nerve to go see him and coax him back into work.</p> <p>There is an alternate theory that suggests Stalin faked the breakdown and withdrew to see if any hidden enemies would try and seize power from him. This is certainly something that a character like Stalin would have pulled (Ivan the Terrible, who was then Stalin's personal hero at the time, did something similar) and even when the Politburo finally did came to his dacha, he initially believed that they had come to arrest him.</p> <p>Can someone translate the upper-left and lower-right text thought?</p> </blockquote><p>The lower right is about his body guards/look alike. Literally says 'kagemusha'.</p> Nagumo /users/45317 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1165737 2013-06-18T17:51:57-04:00 2013-06-18T17:51:57-04:00 @psnuker on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>The upper-right panel technically isn't correct. Stalin's initial reaction to the German invasion was certainly one of shock, but he buckled down and threw himself into his work for that solid first week. It was when he learned of the fall of Minsk that he had the nervous breakdown and fled to his Dacha outside of Moscow for two days until the rest of the Politburo worked up the nerve to go see him and coax him back into work.</p><p>There is an alternate theory that suggests Stalin faked the breakdown and withdrew to see if any hidden enemies would try and seize power from him. This is certainly something that a character like Stalin would have pulled (Ivan the Terrible, who was then Stalin's personal hero at the time, did something similar) and even when the Politburo finally did came to his dacha, he initially believed that they had come to arrest him.</p><p>Can someone translate the upper-left and lower-right text thought?</p> psnuker /users/330655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1125346 2013-01-28T09:59:46-05:00 2013-01-28T09:59:46-05:00 @Kiba on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>Stalin didn't ignore the warnings, that "warnings" came from trotskists and revisionists who wants to see a war started by the soviets, so they can critiquize Stalin for that.</p><p>In that case the capitalists would atack the soviets for the agression.</p><p>Stalin wasn't Hitlers friend or something, the CCCP was growing faster than Germany, so they need time for became stronger and destroy the nazism.</p> Kiba /users/26664 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1106218 2012-12-09T11:01:31-05:00 2012-12-09T11:01:31-05:00 @henmere on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>And that's also related to an episode in <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/1559722126/">Valentin M. Berezhkov's ”At Stalin's Side”.</a> </p> henmere /users/68250 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1106200 2012-12-09T10:01:54-05:00 2012-12-09T10:01:54-05:00 @A_Sentient_JDAM on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."</p><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill#The_Second_World_War_.281939.E2.80.931945.29">http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill#The_Second_World_War_.281939.E2.80.931945.29</a></p> A_Sentient_JDAM /users/330668 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1106052 2012-12-09T02:59:18-05:00 2012-12-09T02:59:18-05:00 @Alguien on post #1314343 (joseph stalin and winston churchill (real life and 1 more) drawn by yuugen) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/aa/efaabee9e177f3b4c67eef582f895ef2.jpg"/> <p>I assume the lower-left pic is a reference of Churchil saying than if Hittler invaded hell he will said something good about the devil in reference of Germany attacking the URSS</p> Alguien /users/54878