tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1491874 2013-11-07T22:09:49-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205555 2013-11-07T22:09:49-05:00 2013-11-07T22:09:49-05:00 @Gollgagh on post #1491874 (aerith gainsborough, yuffie kisaragi, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 8 more (final fantasy and 7 more) drawn by hiryuu_(kana_h)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b5/a8/b5a8b8145273f0c791d53adae7059951.jpg"/> <p>bottom-right with the headband is Yuffie, p sure</p> Gollgagh /users/214837 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205552 2013-11-07T22:00:11-05:00 2013-11-07T22:00:11-05:00 @YuffieLove on post #1491874 (aerith gainsborough, yuffie kisaragi, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 8 more (final fantasy and 7 more) drawn by hiryuu_(kana_h)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b5/a8/b5a8b8145273f0c791d53adae7059951.jpg"/> <p>Why is this listed as having Yuffie in it? I don't see her anywhere.</p> YuffieLove /users/398953 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1184067 2013-08-24T01:58:37-04:00 2013-08-24T02:05:04-04:00 @user_174148 on post #1491874 (aerith gainsborough, yuffie kisaragi, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 8 more (final fantasy and 7 more) drawn by hiryuu_(kana_h)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b5/a8/b5a8b8145273f0c791d53adae7059951.jpg"/> <p>Top Left: Present day FF8</p><div class="spoiler"><p>Top Right: Squall's childhood, Ellone on the right.</p></div><p>Bottom Left: Dissidia</p><p>Bottom Right: Kingdom Hearts</p> user_174148 /users/174148