tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1609100 2014-07-11T06:33:22-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1282961 2014-07-11T06:33:22-04:00 2014-07-11T06:33:22-04:00 @sreven199 on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MajorAmiruddin said:</p> <p>They're scratching your paint job, Helmunt</p> </blockquote><p>"Either they have big balls, tiny brains, or both! Heavy Panzer under infantry attack!"<br>-Tiger Crewman. (CoH 2) </p><p>(BTW, you're quoting the King Tiger crew. ;) ) </p> sreven199 /users/429562 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1270571 2014-06-03T22:40:59-04:00 2014-06-03T22:41:28-04:00 @JohnFreeman on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>Despite the Tiger being mechanically unreliable. It still is my fave World War II era tank. I mean it's one of the most iconic tanks of the world. The minute someone asks World War II era tanks, the Tiger would be among the most mentioned.</p><p>That and it looks very badass. Though the t-34 comes close as a favorite too.</p> JohnFreeman /users/135048 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1241135 2014-02-22T22:09:39-05:00 2014-02-22T22:09:39-05:00 @T34/38 on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>The Tiger's 88mm cannon isn't just for show.</p> T34/38 /users/192921 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1241112 2014-02-22T20:38:15-05:00 2014-02-22T20:38:15-05:00 @SindriAndBale on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>Late-war German tanks are some of the most imposing looking things ever to crawl on tracks. Especially the Tiger II.</p> SindriAndBale /users/235374 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1241090 2014-02-22T19:33:46-05:00 2014-02-22T19:33:46-05:00 @BelchingSpitfire on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>They're scratching your paint job, Helmunt</p> BelchingSpitfire /users/414276 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1236333 2014-02-06T00:19:44-05:00 2014-02-06T00:19:44-05:00 @ezekill on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>279okshap said:</p> <p>Not sure if this is purely historical - did Tigers ever fight T-35s? I thought T-35s left service before the Tiger I ever entered production.</p> </blockquote><p>afaik the T-35 was that tank that broke down right after exiting the factory it was built from tho.</p><p>The Germans really did keep true to their words that the Tiger is an ace maker.</p> ezekill /users/342167 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1236254 2014-02-05T18:03:25-05:00 2014-02-05T18:03:25-05:00 @279okshap on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>Not sure if this is purely historical - did Tigers ever fight T-35s? I thought T-35s left service before the Tiger I ever entered production.</p> 279okshap /users/419891 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1236252 2014-02-05T17:49:32-05:00 2014-02-05T17:49:32-05:00 @BelchingSpitfire on post #1609100 ( original drawn by earasensha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/68/ad683923aa97fcacb443541a34a1d7b4.jpg"/> <p>Who is command of this Tiger?<br>Micheal Wittmann?<br>Otto Carius?<br>Kurt Knispel?</p> BelchingSpitfire /users/414276