tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1686882 2014-06-15T08:31:05-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1274059 2014-06-15T08:28:08-04:00 2014-06-15T08:31:05-04:00 @K8E on post #1686882 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6c/b4/6cb45ab6053a0185e9075669bb4c077b.jpg"/> <p>Removed Remington_type_700 tag; none of these are a true R700, at least modified - the M40 shown looks an awful lot more like an M40a3 with that bipod.</p> K8E /users/431316 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1264588 2014-05-14T21:13:53-04:00 2014-05-14T21:13:53-04:00 @79248cm/s on post #1686882 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6c/b4/6cb45ab6053a0185e9075669bb4c077b.jpg"/> <p>It took me a long time to appreciate wood stocks. Even now I don't care much for them but thats because I am a hopeless tacticool-fanboy. FN-Minimi all day, every day! Or Remington 700.</p> 79248cm/s /users/375497 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1264520 2014-05-14T14:41:24-04:00 2014-05-14T14:41:24-04:00 @Krugger on post #1686882 ( world witches series and 1 more drawn by dakku_(ogitsune)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6c/b4/6cb45ab6053a0185e9075669bb4c077b.jpg"/> <p>I always had a thing for M14s</p> Krugger /users/108584