tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1694093 2014-06-01T05:29:09-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1269840 2014-06-01T05:29:09-04:00 2014-06-01T05:29:09-04:00 @GMO on post #1694093 (sekibanki and the demoman (touhou and 1 more) drawn by wool_(miwol)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6a/49/6a497b077b0bd702609212966d30543c.jpg"/> <p>Thanks a lot, Demoman. Now she'll be trying to kill us all from now until the end of time.</p> GMO /users/261397 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1267534 2014-05-24T15:01:11-04:00 2014-05-24T15:01:11-04:00 @Deathmatcher on post #1694093 (sekibanki and the demoman (touhou and 1 more) drawn by wool_(miwol)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6a/49/6a497b077b0bd702609212966d30543c.jpg"/> <p>Well, the eyelander makes him able to take heads.</p><div class="spoiler"><p>And that quote makes me remember of that one video where the mercenaries try to find new jobs and the demo tries to work in a van.</p></div> Deathmatcher /users/276241 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1267521 2014-05-24T13:56:39-04:00 2014-05-24T13:56:39-04:00 @user_399689 on post #1694093 (sekibanki and the demoman (touhou and 1 more) drawn by wool_(miwol)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6a/49/6a497b077b0bd702609212966d30543c.jpg"/> <p>"Oh, they're gonna have to glue YOU back together---IN MAKAI!!"</p> user_399689 /users/399689