tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #17231 2011-07-21T21:44:32-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/848418 2011-07-21T21:44:32-04:00 2011-07-21T21:44:32-04:00 @fajino on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>"Oh don't mind me. I've seen a barrel of pickles in my day"</p> fajino /users/108888 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/351721 2009-12-12T09:45:25-05:00 2009-12-12T09:45:25-05:00 @Gollgagh on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>jigokutanuki said:<br>On the bright side, you don't have to worry about her teeth biting you.</p></blockquote><p>just make sure she takes her dentures out</p> Gollgagh /users/214837 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/351715 2009-12-12T09:39:12-05:00 2009-12-12T09:39:12-05:00 @jigokutanuki on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>On the bright side, you don't have to worry about her teeth biting you.</p> jigokutanuki /users/43981 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/336138 2009-11-28T05:22:23-05:00 2009-11-28T05:22:23-05:00 @luvmanga on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>uhm rule 34?</p> luvmanga /users/104583 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/255532 2009-08-23T12:44:07-04:00 2009-08-23T12:44:07-04:00 @Pingchan1 on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SNAAAAAAAKE said:<br>As true as that may be, I don't feel like breaking somebody's back during intercourse.</p></blockquote><p>Then let the experienced woman do the work for you.</p> Pingchan1 /users/9715 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/217423 2009-06-17T19:38:34-04:00 2009-06-17T19:38:34-04:00 @Krugger on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>Need to get some tips from the Zohan before any moves are made</p> Krugger /users/108584 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/217418 2009-06-17T19:30:26-04:00 2009-06-17T19:30:26-04:00 @Bhikshu on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SNAAAAAAAKE said:<br>As true as that may be, I don't feel like breaking somebody's back during intercourse.</p></blockquote><p>lol, true dat.</p> Bhikshu /users/28657 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/217310 2009-06-17T16:03:10-04:00 2009-06-17T16:03:10-04:00 @wtfbagels on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>NOT SURE IF WANT</p> wtfbagels /users/96889 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/205385 2009-05-18T20:30:12-04:00 2009-05-18T20:30:12-04:00 @SNAAAAAAAKE on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>wigglepuss said:<br>Hey, old ladies need lovin too...and she's experienced. </p></blockquote><p>As true as that may be, I don't feel like breaking somebody's back during intercourse.</p> SNAAAAAAAKE /users/105306 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/205338 2009-05-18T18:11:53-04:00 2009-05-18T18:11:53-04:00 @wigglepuss on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>FeKa said:<br>Even though she is a woman, she's still old.</p></blockquote><p>Hey, old ladies need lovin too...and she's experienced. </p> wigglepuss /users/70515 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/205275 2009-05-18T15:28:16-04:00 2009-05-18T15:28:16-04:00 @FeKa on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>Even though she is a woman, she's still old.</p> FeKa /users/9860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/205272 2009-05-18T15:21:38-04:00 2009-05-18T15:21:38-04:00 @RiderFan on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>Even though she is old, she's still a woman.</p> RiderFan /users/51538 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/205265 2009-05-18T15:11:29-04:00 2009-05-18T15:11:29-04:00 @Vasuki on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>LesCrap said:<br>That is some fine, fine work on the pubes.</p></blockquote><p>Indeed, I love how some artists go through a lot of effort to make a decent picture, then go into MS paint and use the fine pencil tool to scribble some pubes on at the end. </p><p>Not that I'm saying this is a decent picture, even if it made me laugh.</p> Vasuki /users/104304 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/201432 2009-05-07T22:29:48-04:00 2009-05-07T22:29:48-04:00 @LesCrap on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>That is some fine, fine work on the pubes.</p> LesCrap /users/29137 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/191345 2009-04-14T04:36:45-04:00 2009-04-14T04:36:45-04:00 @Tetrominon on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>God damn it, Japan. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT.</p> Tetrominon /users/65975 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/191341 2009-04-14T04:19:56-04:00 2009-04-14T04:19:56-04:00 @elf_ on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>pls no.</p> elf_ /users/104512 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/92225 2008-06-03T23:08:07-04:00 2008-06-03T23:08:07-04:00 @juunigatsu_no_usagi on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>aww<br>i think its cute XD</p> juunigatsu_no_usagi /users/15149 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/91906 2008-06-02T12:18:22-04:00 2008-06-02T12:18:22-04:00 @Kiru on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>I.. Suppose this is someone's fetish also. &gt;_&gt;</p> Kiru /users/76448 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/43179 2007-01-31T04:36:43-05:00 2007-01-31T04:36:43-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>Uh.. no.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/34581 2007-01-02T16:08:25-05:00 2007-01-02T16:08:25-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #17231 (jane marple (agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple) drawn by elf_k) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/4f/a1/4fa10d4409974407a85220d426302fb4.jpg"/> <p>Hey lady, you're a GMILF, that's a Grandmother I'd Like To...</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13