tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1771456 2016-07-26T11:32:27-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1563268 2016-07-19T06:55:22-04:00 2016-07-26T11:32:27-04:00 @Zhuo_Xing on post #1771456 (makino ruki, renamon, matsuda takato, terriermon, li jianliang, and 1 more (digimon and 1 more) drawn by t_k_g) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7f/7f/7f7f4c024cdb8306e6a7d7af0be259b8.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Goth_Dicax said:</p> <p>I agree with Renamon. No way should she be stuck inside such a tiny and cramped sink....</p> </blockquote><p>I think it's more like she is being made to wear a ribbon...Knowing Renamon,she'll object to wearing a cute accessory...</p> Zhuo_Xing /users/108349 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1381971 2015-04-11T05:46:53-04:00 2015-04-11T05:46:53-04:00 @Goth_Dicax on post #1771456 (makino ruki, renamon, matsuda takato, terriermon, li jianliang, and 1 more (digimon and 1 more) drawn by t_k_g) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7f/7f/7f7f4c024cdb8306e6a7d7af0be259b8.jpg"/> <p>I agree with Renamon. No way should she be stuck inside such a tiny and cramped sink....</p> Goth_Dicax /users/352646