tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1907946 2019-11-14T06:06:31-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1961885 2019-11-14T06:06:31-05:00 2019-11-14T06:06:31-05:00 @Mattatiah on post #1907946 (nishikino maki, sonoda umi, yazawa nico, toujou nozomi, ayase eli, and 13 more (love live! and 3 more) drawn by mizukiraimu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/42/50/4250b0caa3c7e1f8f6d17edfad190e2f.jpg"/> <p>KAMILLE IS A MAN'S NAME!</p> Mattatiah /users/458990 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1349862 2015-01-23T08:28:38-05:00 2019-08-20T05:31:19-04:00 @Nitramy on post #1907946 (nishikino maki, sonoda umi, yazawa nico, toujou nozomi, ayase eli, and 13 more (love live! and 3 more) drawn by mizukiraimu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/42/50/4250b0caa3c7e1f8f6d17edfad190e2f.jpg"/> <p>You guys do realize that Otonokizaka Academy is participating in the Gunpla Battle Nationals in Build Fighters Try, right?</p><p>Nico Asuka and Laura Minami best grills in this pic</p><p>Also, have some taglines:</p><p>"Love VSBR shoot!"<br>"Dareka tasukete, Unicorn!"<br>"NICO NICO KNEE TO YOUR ASSHOLE FACE KIRA"<br>"Satellite Power, chunyuu! Hai, hassha!!!"<br>"The White Doll will make you its snack!"<br>"I will harasho you."<br>"Kamille-chan yasai? Ya-yu-yo!"<br>"Judau-chan ga ieba? ANIME JA NAI YO!!!!"<br>"Gundam da yo!"</p> Nitramy /users/143070