tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #202281 2010-10-06T22:46:05-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/632191 2010-10-06T22:46:05-04:00 2010-10-06T22:46:05-04:00 @Lazarus2511 on post #202281 (amaha masane (witchblade and 1 more) drawn by ishigaki_takashi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/56/ed560b72ebcf8f84f28bc0d0e2db0dbb.jpg"/> <p>I too was rather upset at that. I don't feel like I missed much, but... I like the sense of completion, you know?</p> Lazarus2511 /users/217615 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/163133 2009-02-04T09:13:19-05:00 2009-02-04T09:13:19-05:00 @fcma172 on post #202281 (amaha masane (witchblade and 1 more) drawn by ishigaki_takashi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ed/56/ed560b72ebcf8f84f28bc0d0e2db0dbb.jpg"/> <p>Well crackers. I was going through this pool, minding my own business, and the previous 2 pages got auto deleted cause they weren't approved. :|</p> fcma172 /users/60427