tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2136894 2019-06-09T12:55:41-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1923625 2019-06-09T12:55:41-04:00 2019-06-09T12:55:41-04:00 @NexusLight2004 on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Garrus said:</p> <p><a href="/users?name=NexusLight2004">@NexusLight2004</a> Haruna's not a fleet carrier, she's a Fast Battleship herself. That appears to be Haruna's (or possibly the Kongou class's) own reading material, not one she borrowed from Akagi.</p> </blockquote><p>Crap! I forgot Haruna was the one with the book, not Akagi. My bad.</p> NexusLight2004 /users/592313 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1923481 2019-06-08T23:08:07-04:00 2019-06-08T23:08:07-04:00 @Garrus on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=NexusLight2004">@NexusLight2004</a> Haruna's not a fleet carrier, she's a Fast Battleship herself. That appears to be Haruna's (or possibly the Kongou class's) own reading material, not one she borrowed from Akagi.</p> Garrus /users/513931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1923475 2019-06-08T22:37:08-04:00 2019-06-08T22:37:08-04:00 @NexusLight2004 on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Garrus said:</p> <p><a href="/users?name=NexusLight2004">@NexusLight2004</a> As you may notice in the above link, Akagi's reading choices are bizarre at the best of times. </p> <p>That being said, what Haruna is reading apparently translates to "Four Pillars of Fire: The Battle Records of Fast Battleships". So she's either doing a a history lesson, reading about her shipself's exploits, or reading about her sisters' exploits as warships. It is indeed a real book.</p> </blockquote><p>...In the words of Tucker from Red vs. Blue: “That makes sense.”</p><p>Why would she read a book that’s about Battleships when she’s a Aircraft Carrier?</p> NexusLight2004 /users/592313 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1923229 2019-06-07T22:44:21-04:00 2019-06-07T22:44:58-04:00 @Garrus on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=NexusLight2004">@NexusLight2004</a> As you may notice in the above link, Akagi's reading choices are bizarre at the best of times. </p><p>That being said, what Haruna is reading apparently translates to "Four Pillars of Fire: The Battle Records of Fast Battleships". So she's either doing a a history lesson, reading about her shipself's exploits, or reading about her sisters' exploits as warships. It is indeed a real book. </p> Garrus /users/513931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1892298 2019-02-06T23:48:49-05:00 2019-02-20T12:20:54-05:00 @NexusLight2004 on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <p>I can’t think of any sane being saying, “Yes. I would like to read a manga that helps me understand the contents of a book written by a madman who started the Second World War and attempted to wipe out nearly all Jewish people in Europe.”</p><p>BTW, what’s that Yonhon no Hibashira book Haruna has about?</p> NexusLight2004 /users/592313 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1451901 2015-09-30T09:57:18-04:00 2015-09-30T09:57:18-04:00 @Jarlath on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>zgryphon said:</p> <p>Wow. <em>Understanding Mein Kampf through Manga</em>. That's... that's a tall order.</p> </blockquote><p>That made more sense than Akagi reading it, given the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/posts/1624156">other books in that drawer</a>. </p> Jarlath /users/56947 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1451751 2015-09-29T23:38:04-04:00 2015-09-29T23:38:04-04:00 @zgryphon on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <p>Wow. <em>Understanding Mein Kampf through Manga</em>. That's... that's a tall order.</p> zgryphon /users/449162 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1451701 2015-09-29T19:51:22-04:00 2015-09-29T19:51:22-04:00 @Moonspeaker on post #2136894 (akagi and haruna (kantai collection) drawn by hisahiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/db/16db34766710238f0ad83a6314d5746f.jpg"/> <p>Akagi's book title was expanded/altered in panel 1 and deleted in panel 4, and the motion lines to Haruna's left in panel 2 were deleted.</p> Moonspeaker /users/124541