tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2204707 2017-04-21T14:26:51-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1681974 2017-04-21T14:26:51-04:00 2017-04-21T14:26:51-04:00 @argeey94 on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <p>This discussion makes me wonder less about how a doujin game made by a <em>usually</em> one-man team (ZUN's Touhou) could spark dozens of its own fan-made doujin games and not risk getting takedown requests.</p> argeey94 /users/379652 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1483094 2015-12-23T22:08:16-05:00 2015-12-23T22:08:16-05:00 @officialshinano on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <p>Aw man, Scott Pilgrim. Brings back memories.</p> officialshinano /users/453108 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477972 2015-12-10T00:28:02-05:00 2015-12-10T00:28:02-05:00 @Orochi_Herman on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Tetsamaru said:</p> <p>Remember, this is nothing personal, just a business decision to protect IPs.</p> </blockquote><p>In countries with no ip treaty, they're as good as lame ducks.</p><p>Any recent takedowns they've done lately?</p> Orochi_Herman /users/17343 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477652 2015-12-09T05:31:21-05:00 2015-12-09T05:32:00-05:00 @Tetsamaru on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Orochi_Herman said:<br>How about creation only?</p></blockquote><p>They can't stop "everything", but just know if your own little tic-tac-toe kancolle mod game happens to get super popular, you WILL get a cease and desist letter(I only used tic-tac-toe as an example).</p><p>Pokemon fan games get made too, but the moment any of them happen to get above a certain popular threshold, Nintendo has and will shut it down. Square has also done that to many fanworks of Final fantasy as well.</p><p>Hentai games of Tifa getting raped is still going strong though. Well, "Game" used loosely there. You wanna make a game of raping Mutsu in various sex positions? Go ahead! Again, the issue here is anyone making an actual competent game that could be mistaken as an official product.</p><p>We are still in the Kancolle boom right now so any actual game with thought put into it WILL definitely get popular and seep through all the fansites. It wouldn't take long for Kadokawa to get info about it and shut it down (even if it was completely free). Square and Nintendo have also shut down free online games as well.</p><p>Remember, this is nothing personal, just a business decision to protect IPs.</p> Tetsamaru /users/99753 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477638 2015-12-09T04:49:08-05:00 2015-12-09T04:49:08-05:00 @Orochi_Herman on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Laferno01 said:</p> <p>Kadokawa(the developers of the game) and Sega(who apparently is also a owner) has banned the creation and sale of fan created doujin games related to KanColle. </p> </blockquote><p>How about creation only?</p> Orochi_Herman /users/17343 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477622 2015-12-09T04:19:11-05:00 2015-12-09T04:19:11-05:00 @Tetsamaru on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Laferno01 said:<br>Kadokawa(the developers of the game) and Sega(who apparently is also a owner) has banned the creation and sale of fan created doujin games related to KanColle. </p></blockquote><p>This is also because they don't want consumers to be confused as to what is the official game. This is an IP that is gotten fairly large so they are doing an understandable business decision to protect their IP.</p> Tetsamaru /users/99753 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477616 2015-12-09T03:56:22-05:00 2015-12-09T03:56:22-05:00 @Laferno01 on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>western_gunner said:</p> <p>God KanColle really need a doujin game.. I wonder why no one makes a doujin game of it though?</p> </blockquote><p>Kadokawa(the developers of the game) and Sega(who apparently is also a owner) has banned the creation and sale of fan created doujin games related to KanColle. </p> Laferno01 /users/467085 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477606 2015-12-09T03:24:19-05:00 2015-12-09T03:24:19-05:00 @western_gunner on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <p>God KanColle really need a doujin game.. I wonder why no one makes a doujin game of it though?</p> western_gunner /users/359687 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477575 2015-12-09T01:58:43-05:00 2015-12-09T01:58:43-05:00 @Kurzwaltz on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Mamizou said:</p> <p>Inaduma</p> </blockquote><p>It's a matter of using different romanization systems (Hepburn vs nihon-shiki/kunrei-shiki).</p> Kurzwaltz /users/454249 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477500 2015-12-08T21:55:19-05:00 2015-12-08T21:55:19-05:00 @Myschi on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Mamizou said:</p> <p>Inaduma</p> </blockquote><p>The english Weiss Schwarz card for Inazuma is also written as "Inaduma"</p> Myschi /users/179641 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1477448 2015-12-08T19:10:41-05:00 2015-12-08T19:10:41-05:00 @Mamizou on post #2204707 (hibiki, inazuma, ikazuchi, akatsuki, akashi, and 3 more (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by harapeko_(886011)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9c/6b/9c6b2e76d5e8d3238857a18666972d0f.jpg"/> <p>Inaduma</p> Mamizou /users/359789