tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #230646 2013-07-07T04:18:35-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1170720 2013-07-07T04:18:35-04:00 2013-07-07T04:18:35-04:00 @FrankR on post #230646 (shizuku, hisoka morow, chrollo lucilfer, machi, pakunoda, and 8 more (hunter x hunter) drawn by miche) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/ef/a3efe1b554ed38f47457ab625beaea96.jpg"/> <p>Is the sushi bar in an acute angle or is there something wrong with my vision? </p> FrankR /users/388335 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/269795 2009-09-12T09:57:32-04:00 2009-09-12T09:57:32-04:00 @seriaas on post #230646 (shizuku, hisoka morow, chrollo lucilfer, machi, pakunoda, and 8 more (hunter x hunter) drawn by miche) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/ef/a3efe1b554ed38f47457ab625beaea96.jpg"/> <p>Man, this makes me want to watch Hunter x Hunter again. Up to the end of the Lucilfer arc it really was one of the best shonen animes around.</p> seriaas /users/128650 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/86206 2008-05-04T23:17:39-04:00 2008-05-04T23:17:39-04:00 @arley86 on post #230646 (shizuku, hisoka morow, chrollo lucilfer, machi, pakunoda, and 8 more (hunter x hunter) drawn by miche) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/ef/a3efe1b554ed38f47457ab625beaea96.jpg"/> <p>Looks like familiar ambient</p> arley86 /users/30977 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/83444 2008-04-16T07:05:14-04:00 2008-04-16T07:05:14-04:00 @VanillaGUI on post #230646 (shizuku, hisoka morow, chrollo lucilfer, machi, pakunoda, and 8 more (hunter x hunter) drawn by miche) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/ef/a3efe1b554ed38f47457ab625beaea96.jpg"/> <p>Bets Machi I've ever seen</p> VanillaGUI /users/22850