tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2354284 2016-05-09T16:37:20-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534755 2016-05-09T16:37:20-04:00 2016-05-09T16:37:20-04:00 @keonas on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Catloaf said:</p> <p>Am I the only one bothered by the apparent misspelling of "Louise?" The katakana says it should be 'Louise' (ruiizu) but then it's written as 'Louis' which is pronounced quite differently (ruisu/ruuisu), as well as being incorrectly engendered.</p> </blockquote><p>I would kindly link you to the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/posts/2354273">other post</a> of many characters from this series.</p><p>These translations are no way near perfect, I was just the first one willing to put in the effort of transcribing, translating and adapting the names at the time.<br>If you feel a name was mistranslated, feel free to change it, everyone wants these tags to be correct. <br>Plus, we won't know how it's actually supposed to be till some official audio or translation comes out.</p><p>Personally, I'm more annoyed by how Lyle -Raerutiosu-, -Stelliana- and -Lidiana- turned out.</p> keonas /users/149704 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534732 2016-05-09T15:05:18-04:00 2016-05-09T15:05:18-04:00 @Catloaf on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>I'm I the only one bothered by the apparent misspelling of "Louise?" The katakana says it should be 'Louise' (ruiizu) but then it's written as 'Louis' which is pronounced quite differently (ruisu/ruuisu), as well as being incorrectly engendered.</p> Catloaf /users/10863 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534451 2016-05-09T01:26:51-04:00 2016-05-09T01:28:34-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Wilfriback said:</p> <p>I see no problem when each season there are more slice of life series.</p> </blockquote><p>The thing is Slice of Life can very often act more like a background setting more than an actual genre. It's not the main center of the show and can be easily integrated with other genres. You can have slice of life with drama, with mystery, with comedy or with action and the "slice of life" section of the story wouldn't feel stale.</p><p>Harem on the other hand are filled with overused cliches, cringeworthy scenarios and ultimately adds absolutely nothing new. It spends third its story cramming in boobs, butts and lollies for fanservice's sake, another third in fawning over the ever-one dimensional protag and only a third in things like action/mystery/comedy, all of which is almost guaranteed to be written very half-assedly and derivative. It's like having Twilight and copypaste it 30 times to make an entire year's worth of anime.</p><p>Often times it feels like both the LN authors and the anime directors know that their works is going to drown in the sea of overused mediocrity, but just kept on doing just for the sake of keeping the food on the table instead of trying to tell a good story and making an even better profit.</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534402 2016-05-08T23:32:04-04:00 2016-05-08T23:32:04-04:00 @Wilfriback on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>I see no problem when each season there are more slice of life series.</p> Wilfriback /users/232495 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534285 2016-05-08T16:37:11-04:00 2016-05-08T16:37:11-04:00 @CodeKyuubi on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>I dunno about you guys, but Mushoku Tensei is a good read in the isekai genre. </p> CodeKyuubi /users/81291 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534278 2016-05-08T16:11:02-04:00 2016-05-08T16:11:02-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>keonas said:</p> <p>Dude... all of those are ANCIENT! There are ~200 new anime every year, trends move faster than in any other studio medium. Recently they've just been adapting shit novels, in that pool, Re:Zero is a shining beacon, of "pretty good".</p> </blockquote><p>"Trend moves fast" please elaborate then why are there still 3-6 harem animes coming out every single season ever since 2009. Even if you like the genre, it has to be the most oversaturated thing in the industry.</p><p>And it's not like any of these are making much money either, many Japanese people also have been associating many LN adaptations as being instant garbage because of how prevalent and ceaseless this "trend" is.</p><p>We may have moved from wimpy harem protag to Gary Stu harem protags, but still I wouldn't call that an improvement by any stretch.</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534201 2016-05-08T11:52:17-04:00 2016-05-08T11:52:17-04:00 @keonas on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Tetsamaru said:<br>Pretty much this, Anime as of late (as in the Actual Animation) has been subpar when it comes to conversions from source material such as eroges, manga or LNs.</p> <p>Negima, Kenichi Strongest Disciple and even Suzumiya Haruhi to name a few series that really don't do their original source Justice and you really HAVE TO read the originals.</p> <p>And let's not get into the whole mess of Tsukihime's anime.</p> </blockquote><p>Dude... all of those are ANCIENT! There are ~200 new anime every year, trends move faster than in any other studio medium. Recently they've just been adapting shit novels, in that pool, Re:Zero is a shining beacon, of "pretty good".</p> keonas /users/149704 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534165 2016-05-08T10:24:00-04:00 2016-05-08T10:24:30-04:00 @NNescio on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Tetsamaru said:</p> <p>...And let's not get into the whole mess of Tsukihime's anime. ...</p> </blockquote><p>What Tsukihime anime? <em>Never</em> heard of one. *cough*</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534163 2016-05-08T10:18:48-04:00 2016-05-08T10:18:48-04:00 @Tetsamaru on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Seiei97 said:<br>Not at all... You could at least go read some reviews before assuming as such.</p></blockquote><p>Pretty much this, Anime as of late (as in the Actual Animation) has been subpar when it comes to conversions from source material such as eroges, manga or LNs.</p><p>Negima, Kenichi Strongest Disciple and even Suzumiya Haruhi to name a few series that really don't do their original source Justice and you really HAVE TO read the originals.</p><p>And let's not get into the whole mess of Tsukihime's anime.</p><p>The Anime studios usually take liberties such as adding in non-canon episodes all for the sake of making sure they turn a profit if they feel the source material is either going too slow or it's too dark.</p> Tetsamaru /users/99753 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534143 2016-05-08T09:45:16-04:00 2016-05-08T10:20:17-04:00 @Seiei97 on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>bunkhead said:</p> <p>So it's just another fantasy harem comedy show with a promise of darker depths but rather than delve into those depths it decides to faff about with cute moe girl hijinks and harem bullshit? Thought so, thanks for validating my reason of skipping this.</p> </blockquote><p>Not at all... You could at least go read some reviews before assuming as such.</p> Seiei97 /users/439324 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534131 2016-05-08T09:00:07-04:00 2016-05-08T09:00:07-04:00 @bunkhead on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Rathurue said:</p> <p>Read the LN.</p> </blockquote><p>So it's just another fantasy harem comedy show with a promise of darker depths but rather than delve into those depths it decides to faff about with cute moe girl hijinks and harem bullshit? Thought so, thanks for validating my reason of skipping this.</p> bunkhead /users/243298 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534127 2016-05-08T08:46:03-04:00 2016-05-08T08:46:03-04:00 @Rathurue on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>bunkhead said:</p> <p>Does the show actually state any of that as fact or is this all just you filling in the gaps? Because all I got from it is that it's yet another fantasy harem comedy.</p> </blockquote><p>Read the LN.</p> Rathurue /users/120517 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534118 2016-05-08T08:02:59-04:00 2016-05-08T08:02:59-04:00 @bunkhead on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Rathurue said:</p> <p>It's harsher than you think.<br><span class="spoiler">MC's ability to 'Revive on Death' is actually 'Jump to parallel universe body upon death to pre-specified place'. He has no knowing how to make a 'save', and unlike Souls, he won't get any hints how to advance, neither any level-up or increase in strength to ensure the next 'life' would be easier than the last one. To elaborate more in that, he also haven't realized that by exiting the 'current' world and 'loading' the next one, people in those worlds are permanently affected by anything that happens by his presence. Oh, so you want to 'load' into another world by jumping off a cliff to your death? Poor Rem, who would be traumatized for whole life. The harshest part being the secret of his own ability: it literally pulls another 'him' from the normal world he lived in, and subjected that new 'him' with the same things all 'him' had done before. It's a giant dripdown reverse pyramid where there is no win situation, only death and more death and some advancement.</span></p> </blockquote><p>Does the show actually state any of that as fact or is this all just you filling in the gaps? Because all I got from it is that it's yet another fantasy harem comedy.</p> bunkhead /users/243298 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534090 2016-05-08T06:34:16-04:00 2016-05-08T06:34:16-04:00 @Rathurue on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>bunkhead said:</p> <p>An inability to die permanently a Dark Souls does not make. I've watched the first two episodes and it feels nothing like Dark Souls, too much slapstick and harem anime bullshit.</p> </blockquote><p>It's harsher than you think.<br><span class="spoiler">MC's ability to 'Revive on Death' is actually 'Jump to parallel universe body upon death to pre-specified place'. He has no knowing how to make a 'save', and unlike Souls, he won't get any hints how to advance, neither any level-up or increase in strength to ensure the next 'life' would be easier than the last one. To elaborate more in that, he also haven't realized that by exiting the 'current' world and 'loading' the next one, people in those worlds are permanently affected by anything that happens by his presence. Oh, so you want to 'load' into another world by jumping off a cliff to your death? Poor Rem, who would be traumatized for whole life. The harshest part being the secret of his own ability: it literally pulls another 'him' from the normal world he lived in, and subjected that new 'him' with the same things all 'him' had done before. It's a giant dripdown reverse pyramid where there is no win situation, only death and more death and some advancement.</span></p> Rathurue /users/120517 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534040 2016-05-08T02:41:51-04:00 2016-05-08T02:41:51-04:00 @bunkhead on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>NNescio said:</p> <p>Funny that you should mention that... considering Re: Zero has been just adapted into an anime...</p> <div class="spoiler"><p>YOU DIED</p></div> <p>Some even call it Dark Souls: The Moe Edition.</p> </blockquote><p>An inability to die permanently a Dark Souls does not make. I've watched the first two episodes and it feels nothing like Dark Souls, too much slapstick and harem anime bullshit.</p> bunkhead /users/243298 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534029 2016-05-08T01:53:48-04:00 2016-05-08T02:04:14-04:00 @NNescio on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>keonas said:</p> <p>Indeed, all of them are "(generic stand-in for the audience) gets magically transported to a magical world".</p> </blockquote><p>And 9 times out of 10 they get killed by Truck-san and get some OP ability that the amateur translator decides to literally transliterate as "cheat" for some reason.</p><p>(Because seriously, when a Japanese uses the word "cheat", he means "OP ability" in the context of a video game. When he means "cheat" instead, he uses "cunning". Side note: "consents" are power sockets. Why? <s>Because fuck you Japan, that's why</s> Because loanwords change meanings when they're borrowed from one language into another.)</p><p>Konosuba is awesome by twisting both clichés on their heads.</p><blockquote> <p>bunkhead said:</p> <p>Does get stale after a while. Personally I think it needs a nice fresh Dark Souls-y twist.</p> </blockquote><p>Funny that you should mention that... considering Re: Zero has been just adapted into an anime...</p><div class="spoiler"><p>YOU DIED</p></div><p>Some even call it Dark Souls: The Moe Edition.</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534027 2016-05-08T01:50:16-04:00 2016-05-08T01:50:16-04:00 @bunkhead on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>Does get stale after a while. Personally I think it needs a nice fresh Dark Souls-y twist.</p> bunkhead /users/243298 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534013 2016-05-08T01:17:26-04:00 2016-05-08T01:17:26-04:00 @keonas on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>Indeed, all of them are "(generic stand-in for the audience) gets magically transported to a magical world".</p> keonas /users/149704 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1534010 2016-05-08T01:11:58-04:00 2016-05-08T01:11:58-04:00 @Rathurue on post #2354284 (sharon, stelliana, lyle raerutiosu, louis carlson, and sawatari takeru (koku gensou wo item cheat de ikinuku) drawn by ban) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/65/37653ad7ba9dc923011bcb5db374f6c9.jpg"/> <p>So many new LNs...but all the same genre. Ptoooi.</p> Rathurue /users/120517