tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2455094 2017-01-27T14:13:55-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1645028 2017-01-27T14:12:49-05:00 2017-01-27T14:13:55-05:00 @Ozraptor on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>aceofspudz said:<br>If you can only pick two Fletchers, they would be, of course, Nicholas and O'Bannon. </p></blockquote><p>My vote would be for Edwards (DD-663) and Leary (DD-664). Both had distinguished wartime careers and took part in the slaughter of Nishimura's fleet at Surigao Strait (part of the division that struck the deathblow to Yamashiro), then joined the JMSDF postwar as JDS Ariake and Yugure, serving until the 1970s.</p> Ozraptor /users/455190 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1642346 2017-01-21T13:40:24-05:00 2017-01-21T13:40:24-05:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/md5_mismatch">MD5 mismatch</a> of <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/image/source/4347131">http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/image/source/4347131</a></p><table class="striped"> <thead><tr> <th>Source</th> <th>MD5 Hash</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Dimensions</th> <th>Filesize</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Danbooru</td> <td>c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>(1200, 1070)</td> <td>569940</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nicoseiga</td> <td>6e8216c17f8b4f364461048e462a30fe</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>(1200, 1070)</td> <td>581258</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1585167 2016-09-10T07:46:02-04:00 2016-09-10T07:47:25-04:00 @NNescio on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Panzercracker said:</p> <p>And Germany has over 1 thousand U-boats : )). If KanColle try to intro all of WW2 warships, they will cost several decades with this rate.</p> </blockquote><p>Easy, make them all <a class="dtext-link" href="/posts/1985945">carbon copies of U, with minor procedurally-generated differences</a>!</p><p>(Speedtree for <s>planets</s> shipgirls!)</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1585166 2016-09-10T07:39:08-04:00 2016-09-10T07:39:08-04:00 @AdventZero on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p>Now that Uranami is coming to Kancolle, looks like the DesDiv19 is going to get an update soon.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1576790 2016-08-22T10:24:58-04:00 2016-08-22T10:24:58-04:00 @Panzercracker on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>Fletcher-class alone already has 175... Granted Fletcher is an exception, as in that most DD class doesn't have that many ships. </p> </blockquote><p>And Germany has over 1 thousand U-boats : )). If KanColle try to intro all of WW2 warships, they will cost several decades with this rate.</p> Panzercracker /users/164555 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1576655 2016-08-22T01:06:21-04:00 2016-08-22T01:08:48-04:00 @NWSiaCB on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p>Actually, there are several classes you guys are missing:</p><p>In order (only ships actually serving in WW2):</p><p>Sampson class - 6 ships<br>Caldwell class - 6 ships<br>Wickes class - 111 ships<br>Clemson class - 156 ships (Last of the flush-decks - note smaller classes come next.)<br>Farragut class - 8 ships<br>Porter class - 8 ships<br>Mahan class - 18 ships<br>Gridley class - 4 ships<br>Bagley class - 8 ships<br>Somers class - 5 ships<br>Benham class - 10 ships<br>Sims class - 12 ships <br>Benson class - 30 ships <br>Gleaves class - 66 ships<br>Fletcher class - 175 ships<br>Sumner class - 58 ships<br>Gearing class - 98 ships<br>_________________________________</p><p>Grand total: 779 destroyers*.</p><p> * - Not counting "escort destroyers", although these would be considered frigates after the war.</p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1575182 2016-08-18T15:06:33-04:00 2016-08-18T15:06:33-04:00 @laisy on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Minimin said:</p> <p>Wickes/Clemson: 111 + 156 = 267</p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>LamiaMiia said:</p> <p>Wickes class: 111<br>Clemson class: 156<br>Benson class: 30<br>Gleaves class: 66<br>Fletcher class: 175<br>Allen M. Sumner class: 58<br>Gearing class: 98</p> <p>These are all classes of destroyers used by the USN or their allies during WWII. The US did like to go big on the classes it thought were good.</p> </blockquote><p>Oh yes, the Clemson. Slip my mind. </p> laisy /users/390662 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1575172 2016-08-18T14:28:05-04:00 2016-08-18T14:28:05-04:00 @LamiaMiia on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>Fletcher-class alone already has 175... Granted Fletcher is an exception, as in that most DD class doesn't have that many ships. </p> </blockquote><p>Wickes class: 111<br>Clemson class: 156<br>Benson class: 30<br>Gleaves class: 66<br>Fletcher class: 175<br>Allen M. Sumner class: 58<br>Gearing class: 98</p><p>These are all classes of destroyers used by the USN or their allies during WWII. The US did like to go big on the classes it thought were good.</p> LamiaMiia /users/477120 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574660 2016-08-17T10:38:04-04:00 2016-08-17T10:38:04-04:00 @Minimin on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>Fletcher-class alone already has 175... Granted Fletcher is an exception, as in that most DD class doesn't have that many ships. </p> </blockquote><p>Wickes/Clemson: 111 + 156 = 267</p> Minimin /users/409376 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574631 2016-08-17T08:34:03-04:00 2016-08-17T08:34:03-04:00 @Estavali on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>yunashiku said:</p> <p>Aw yeah finally done with all that untranslated part</p> </blockquote><p>Thanks for helping out. Was too lazy/busy to finish up the rest =w=</p> Estavali /users/66308 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574600 2016-08-17T05:46:37-04:00 2016-08-17T05:46:37-04:00 @AdventZero on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>CoffeeMilkDrinker said:</p> <p>Would <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Stewart_(DD-224)">USS Stewart (DD-224)</a> count as foreign or Japanese? She was refloated by the Japanese and turned into PB-102.</p> </blockquote><p>I imagined she'd be treated the same way as Ro-chan.</p><p>Naturalized foreigner.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574409 2016-08-16T14:49:46-04:00 2016-08-16T14:49:46-04:00 @CoffeeMilkDrinker on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Aqualado said:</p> <p>I think they will only implement one or two of each foreign DD class. As there is no way to present them all. And the Japanese must be the main force of KC</p> </blockquote><p>Would <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Stewart_(DD-224)">USS Stewart (DD-224)</a> count as foreign or Japanese? She was refloated by the Japanese and turned into PB-102.</p> CoffeeMilkDrinker /users/467582 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574256 2016-08-16T07:57:37-04:00 2016-08-16T08:00:07-04:00 @yunashiku on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p>Aw yeah finally done with all that untranslated part</p> yunashiku /users/459965 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574247 2016-08-16T07:12:07-04:00 2016-08-16T07:13:08-04:00 @AdventZero on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>aceofspudz said:</p> <p>If you can only pick two Fletchers, they would be, of course, Nicholas and O'Bannon.</p> </blockquote><p>What, no love for little ol' Willie D?</p><p>Though I would also expect USS Johnston to make it into Kancolle one way or another, just to see how the Center Force would react when they come face to face with what ultimately was the thin red line standing between them and total annihilation for the US Landing Force.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574070 2016-08-15T21:04:46-04:00 2016-08-15T21:10:01-04:00 @aceofspudz on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Aqualado said:</p> <p>I think they will only implement one or two of each foreign DD class. As there is no way to present them all. And the Japanese must be the main force of KC</p> </blockquote><p>If you can only pick two Fletchers, they would be, of course, Nicholas and O'Bannon. Built side by side, both Presidential Unit Citations, both in a dead heat for most decorated of WWII, and two of the three destroyers to escort Big Mo into Tokyo Bay, and both decommissioned together on the same day in 1970. If you were to pick <em>one</em> it would be Johnston.</p> aceofspudz /users/434261 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1574067 2016-08-15T20:54:15-04:00 2016-08-15T20:54:15-04:00 @Aqualado on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>Fletcher-class alone already has 175... Granted Fletcher is an exception, as in that most DD class doesn't have that many ships. </p> </blockquote><p>I think they will only implement one or two of each foreign DD class. As there is no way to present them all. And the Japanese must be the main force of KC</p> Aqualado /users/435970 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1573960 2016-08-15T13:51:30-04:00 2016-08-15T13:51:30-04:00 @laisy on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Darkestvampire92 said:</p> <p>There´s a shitton of destroyers left though...</p> <p>AND THATS JUST OF ONE NATION. THE US NAVY HAS HUNDREDS OF THEM.</p> </blockquote><p>Fletcher-class alone already has 175... Granted Fletcher is an exception, as in that most DD class doesn't have that many ships. </p> laisy /users/390662 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1573950 2016-08-15T13:21:02-04:00 2016-08-15T13:21:02-04:00 @Darkestvampire92 on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p>There´s a shitton of destroyers left though...</p><p>AND THATS JUST OF ONE NATION. THE US NAVY HAS HUNDREDS OF THEM.</p> Darkestvampire92 /users/468187 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1573926 2016-08-15T12:42:20-04:00 2016-08-15T12:42:20-04:00 @AdventZero on post #2455094 (hibiki, inazuma, shigure, ikazuchi, yuudachi, and 64 more (kantai collection) drawn by sakazaki_freddy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c8/20/c820c9d5b997fc4f79ca79ff557af844.jpg"/> <p>And the 22nd DesDiv is finally complete.</p> AdventZero /users/373518