tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2496730 2016-09-29T10:37:21-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1592664 2016-09-29T10:37:21-04:00 2016-09-29T10:37:21-04:00 @PhoenixG on post #2496730 (junko (touhou) drawn by darjeeling_(reley)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/31/2d/312df6ab12cf5282b0893c72ceb8e0c1.jpg"/> <p>I agree with the badly drawn fingers. The hip... well it looks more like someone put a really tight corset. And the legs, my guess she's sitting in a seiza position.</p> PhoenixG /users/70248 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1592446 2016-09-28T20:38:34-04:00 2016-09-28T20:38:34-04:00 @Sacriven on post #2496730 (junko (touhou) drawn by darjeeling_(reley)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/31/2d/312df6ab12cf5282b0893c72ceb8e0c1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Provence said:</p> <p>I do wonder about this: There are multiple flaws according to the flagger (not me here) and are clearly pointed out and make sense.<br> How does this not affect the overall quality i.e. the quality of the image as a whole?</p> </blockquote><p>It's just a friendly reminder, not to enforce Mods to re-approve this image.</p> Sacriven /users/397518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1592440 2016-09-28T20:14:10-04:00 2016-09-28T20:14:10-04:00 @user_460797 on post #2496730 (junko (touhou) drawn by darjeeling_(reley)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/31/2d/312df6ab12cf5282b0893c72ceb8e0c1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Sacriven said:</p> <p>To be fair, if those "anatomy" doesn't affect the overall quality of the image, consider to add the tag instead of deleting it.</p> </blockquote><p>I do wonder about this: There are multiple flaws according to the flagger (not me here) and are clearly pointed out and make sense.<br> How does this not affect the overall quality i.e. the quality of the image as a whole?</p> user_460797 /users/460797 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1592438 2016-09-28T20:07:42-04:00 2016-09-28T20:07:42-04:00 @Sacriven on post #2496730 (junko (touhou) drawn by darjeeling_(reley)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/31/2d/312df6ab12cf5282b0893c72ceb8e0c1.jpg"/> <p>To be fair, if those "anatomy" doesn't affect the overall quality of the image, consider to add the tag instead of deleting it.</p> Sacriven /users/397518