tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #255310 2008-06-16T17:38:58-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/95380 2008-06-16T17:38:58-04:00 2008-06-16T17:38:58-04:00 @Akari on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>瀟洒 - shousha, means elegant, refined.</p> Akari /users/15031 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/95369 2008-06-16T17:08:11-04:00 2008-06-16T17:08:11-04:00 @kow on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>Poor Flandre~ &lt;3</p><p>hey, does anyone know what the two characters on the bottom of Sakuya there mean?</p> kow /users/17980 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93622 2008-06-10T01:12:19-04:00 2008-06-10T01:12:19-04:00 @Ranranrun on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>I lol'd at this.</p> Ranranrun /users/60773 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93611 2008-06-10T00:11:42-04:00 2008-06-10T00:11:42-04:00 @Soljashy on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>Thanks. I thought that might have been the case, but the fact that the 'ra' is hiragana and the rest is katakana kinda threw me off.</p><p>Guess I'll take 赤い to "scarlet" in this context.</p> Soljashy /users/28220 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93480 2008-06-09T10:48:16-04:00 2008-06-09T10:48:16-04:00 @DschingisKhan on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>So any ideas on the source? I'd like the rest (and a pool, no doubt).</p> DschingisKhan /users/60134 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93465 2008-06-09T09:25:04-04:00 2008-06-09T09:25:04-04:00 @Akari on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>赤いヒトら - the 'ra' is the same as tachi, indicates plural.</p> Akari /users/15031 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93411 2008-06-09T02:13:56-04:00 2008-06-09T02:13:56-04:00 @Soljashy on post #255310 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, and hong meiling (touhou) drawn by arata_iri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/41/ab/41ab1988ea6a750b86f16b4881921453.jpg"/> <p>I can't make out the whole title. 赤いヒト what?</p> Soljashy /users/28220