tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2591663 2017-01-10T04:22:52-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1631336 2017-01-10T04:22:52-05:00 2017-01-10T04:22:52-05:00 @zero5889 on post #2591663 (hakurei reimu, kochiya sanae, and kawashiro nitori (touhou) drawn by tani_takeshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/bd/17bdffea72a970a9868644444d6e913d.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Kurai_Tora said:</p> <p>Is that your way of asking Osa-Sanae to die, Osa-Reimu? You might get a serving of Sanaelation. Also, with that plucked sunflower, incoming Yuuka.</p> </blockquote><p>I doubt that part. Considering she(?)'s essentially Yuuka's pet/companion/pillow, it's likely Osa-Reimu gets a free pass on her flowers.</p> zero5889 /users/228126 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1630422 2017-01-07T15:02:05-05:00 2017-01-07T15:02:05-05:00 @Kurai_Tora on post #2591663 (hakurei reimu, kochiya sanae, and kawashiro nitori (touhou) drawn by tani_takeshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/bd/17bdffea72a970a9868644444d6e913d.jpg"/> <p>Is that your way of asking Osa-Sanae to die, Osa-Reimu? You might get a serving of Sanaelation. Also, with that plucked sunflower, incoming Yuuka.</p><blockquote> <p>Catloaf said:</p> <p>Pretty sure the 'Seven Flowers' thing was referenced in an older Tani Takeshi Touhou 4koma, so I'm being lazy by not explaining it here.</p> </blockquote><p>Found it, <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="/posts/1895792">here</a>. Notes edited.</p> Kurai_Tora /users/495999 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1630414 2017-01-07T13:44:32-05:00 2017-01-07T13:44:32-05:00 @Catloaf on post #2591663 (hakurei reimu, kochiya sanae, and kawashiro nitori (touhou) drawn by tani_takeshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/bd/17bdffea72a970a9868644444d6e913d.jpg"/> <p>Pretty sure the 'Seven Flowers' thing was referenced in an older Tani Takeshi Touhou 4koma, so I'm being lazy by not explaining it here.</p> Catloaf /users/10863