tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #260685 2011-12-14T05:26:01-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/937942 2011-12-14T05:26:01-05:00 2011-12-14T05:26:01-05:00 @Anemism on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>I think I may have accidentally downvoted a few comments on here... Sorry about that, Im browsing on my iPhone and it messes up sometimes.</p> Anemism /users/354984 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/728207 2011-02-04T12:19:20-05:00 2011-02-04T12:19:20-05:00 @RawrMeansDinoLove on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>What's this song called?</p> RawrMeansDinoLove /users/332925 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/358725 2009-12-19T08:36:16-05:00 2009-12-19T08:36:16-05:00 @jigglyppuff8 on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <blockquote><p>Ice-XII said:<br>where can I find a translation for this song? I really want to know what they're saying</p></blockquote><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Lyrics:_s_complex">http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Lyrics:_s_complex</a></p> jigglyppuff8 /users/172653 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/356974 2009-12-17T09:27:05-05:00 2009-12-17T09:27:05-05:00 @Ice-XII on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>where can I find a translation for this song? I really want to know what they're saying</p> Ice-XII /users/111334 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/248848 2009-08-13T12:25:31-04:00 2009-08-13T12:25:31-04:00 @Poliwag on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>Love this video and this song. It's beautifully animated and a presents a wonderful (albeit sort of sad) view of the Aki sisters. I'd never seen the original flash version before.</p> Poliwag /users/110785 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/93432 2008-06-09T04:24:22-04:00 2008-06-09T04:24:22-04:00 @D4nt3 on post #260685 (aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by cool&create and kagi) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>Nice song.</p> D4nt3 /users/82487