tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2637325 2017-06-05T01:55:12-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1701413 2017-06-05T01:55:12-04:00 2017-06-05T01:55:12-04:00 @AntagonistChan on post #2637325 (serval, kaban, and black-tailed prairie dog (kemono friends) drawn by dendoend) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/11/94/11940cbbac559b11ce478b75488f33d6.jpg"/> <p>Does this really count as a False Smile? She doesn't seem to be using a smile to mask some other emotion, she seemed to be in genuinely good spirits until the kiss, and even after that, she doesn't seem to understand what this heavy feeling in her heart is.</p> AntagonistChan /users/467363 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1661157 2017-02-25T17:33:24-05:00 2017-02-25T17:33:24-05:00 @Parnifia_the_Bastard on post #2637325 (serval, kaban, and black-tailed prairie dog (kemono friends) drawn by dendoend) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/11/94/11940cbbac559b11ce478b75488f33d6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Krugger said:</p> <p>So it begins </p> </blockquote><p>God help us all.</p> Parnifia_the_Bastard /users/445118 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1659300 2017-02-21T14:34:21-05:00 2017-02-21T14:34:21-05:00 @Krugger on post #2637325 (serval, kaban, and black-tailed prairie dog (kemono friends) drawn by dendoend) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/11/94/11940cbbac559b11ce478b75488f33d6.jpg"/> <p>So it begins </p> Krugger /users/108584