tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2646110 2018-08-07T21:14:35-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1841098 2018-08-07T21:14:35-04:00 2018-08-07T21:14:35-04:00 @Saladofstones on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>kuugarisingultimate said:</p> <p>Holy Sh- ..... :'(</p> <p>Hope she didn't get backstage heat or a punishment from Sunrise' Powers That Be.</p> </blockquote><p>Given the overwhelming pathos of the event, they'd be mad not to capitalize on it.</p> Saladofstones /users/318380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1663626 2017-03-04T04:12:58-05:00 2017-03-04T09:00:22-05:00 @LiKinWa on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <p>Feelings, Becoming One</p><p>The sound of the note of A was played on the piano, marking the start of the performance. The members started moving their bodies to the music. The audience moved their glow sticks to the rhythm. Everything was fine.</p><p>Suddenly, a contradiction in harmony, an error was made.</p><p>The music stopped, tears rolling down the face of the performer.</p><p>"I'm sorry..."</p><p>Hands shaking, the performer played a wrong note. The performance was forced to a stop.</p><p>"It's fine. It's totally fine."</p><p>The other members crowded around the piano, comforting her at all means. The performer was in shock. She was in a panic. She could not continue playing.</p><p>After 3 months of practice, she achieved the impossible. She stepped from 0 to 1, and gave the world a surprise in the 1st day. Everything was going smoothly. No one, not even herself, had expected this to happen. What just happened, dealt a huge blow to her confidence. Her despair and hopelessness, turned into streams of tears.</p><p>"Rikako! Rikako!..."</p><p>A chant was being heard from the crowd. Glow sticks with the color of sakura were waved systematically. She looked at them. She saw a sea of sakura, rolls of glow sticks in unison. <br>She could not see the faces of her supporters, but she knew that the crowd was filled with hope. She could not let them down.</p><p>The performance may not be perfect, but what we wanted to see, is not a perfect performance. It is the efforts of a normal person trying to achieve the best. It is not the result that matters the most, it is the process, and the message and emotion that are brought to the audience.</p><p>As a fellow pianist, I give her my greatest respect. Her perseverance to continue and her courage to start over again is what we all must learn from. This incident also act as a motivation for me to continue my passion and dream for music. If courage have a color, it must be sakura!</p><p>The performer at the piano, the members at the front stage, the chanting audience, and the waves of sakura-colored glow sticks. It is at that time, when the message of the song is truly delivered. It is at that time, when all our feelings become one.</p> LiKinWa /users/483402 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1663613 2017-03-04T03:28:28-05:00 2017-03-04T03:28:28-05:00 @Elle_Lowel on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <p>I hope they put this in an animated format.. in fact I want to write them and beg them to do it.</p><p>Wanna help me?</p> Elle_Lowel /users/262467 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1663560 2017-03-04T00:25:59-05:00 2017-03-04T04:43:59-05:00 @kuugarisingultimate on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Phuong said:</p> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://vimeo.com/206218152">Prepare your tissues</a></p> </blockquote><p>Holy Sh- ..... :'(</p><p>Hope she didn't get backstage heat or a punishment from Sunrise' Powers That Be.</p> kuugarisingultimate /users/140483 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1663083 2017-03-02T19:29:27-05:00 2017-03-02T19:29:27-05:00 @Phuong on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Elle_Lowel said:</p> <p>If there's a video to that, I would love to view it.</p> </blockquote><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://vimeo.com/206218152">Prepare your tissues</a></p> Phuong /users/11919 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1663073 2017-03-02T18:44:20-05:00 2017-03-02T18:44:20-05:00 @iLoveHentai626 on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Elle_Lowel said:</p> <p>If there's a video to that, I would love to view it.</p> </blockquote><p>They been cracking down on leaked images and such.</p> iLoveHentai626 /users/120783 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1662880 2017-03-02T04:52:00-05:00 2017-03-02T04:52:00-05:00 @IanDere on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Elle_Lowel said:</p> <p>If there's a video to that, I would love to view it.</p> </blockquote><p>Unfortunately, only audio is available.<br><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ltXDrze9A">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ltXDrze9A</a></p> IanDere /users/415157 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1662842 2017-03-02T01:28:57-05:00 2017-03-02T01:28:57-05:00 @Elle_Lowel on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>KaitoDies said:</p> <p>Riko's seiyuu Rikako had a panic attack during the 2nd day of the live and had to restart the song she was supposed to play the piano solo on. She was doing fine during the first day. Everyone started to cheer her on (everyone in the audience turned their glowstick pink and chanted Rikako). Heart-rending stuff, especially since she was so hard on herself in her tweets.</p> <p>And since this is based on the perfomance, I should probably just go and tag all of the other seiyuus as well. Not sure why I didn't bother in the first place, considering I tagged Rikako.</p> </blockquote><p>If there's a video to that, I would love to view it.</p> Elle_Lowel /users/262467 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1662808 2017-03-01T23:53:16-05:00 2017-03-02T00:00:11-05:00 @KaitoDies on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <p>Riko's seiyuu Rikako had a panic attack during the 2nd day of the live and had to restart the song she was supposed to play the piano solo on. She was doing fine during the first day. Everyone started to cheer her on (everyone in the audience turned their glowstick pink and chanted Rikako). Heart-rending stuff, especially since she was so hard on herself in her tweets.</p><p>And since this is based on the perfomance, I should probably just go and tag all of the other seiyuus as well. Not sure why I didn't bother in the first place, considering I tagged Rikako.</p> KaitoDies /users/114871 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1662807 2017-03-01T23:48:18-05:00 2017-03-01T23:48:18-05:00 @Blue_Trident on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>sweetpeɐ said:</p> <p>Which current event?</p> </blockquote><p>Aqours' first live concert last weekend.</p> Blue_Trident /users/460234 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1662806 2017-03-01T23:45:29-05:00 2017-03-01T23:45:29-05:00 @chilled_sake on post #2646110 (watanabe you, tsushima yoshiko, sakurauchi riko, takami chika, kurosawa dia, and 13 more (love live! and 1 more) drawn by noeejang) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/ae/84ae3afa8b4282785ee9543c27eee814.jpg"/> <p>Which current event?</p> chilled_sake /users/463832