tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2661871 2017-03-30T23:46:31-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1673735 2017-03-30T23:46:31-04:00 2017-03-30T23:46:31-04:00 @meganeshounen on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>JinWoozy said:</p> <p>"It's 0300 hours! Why on earth are you prepping cat food?"</p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>M_Q_N said:</p> <p>pudding losing control of her life</p> </blockquote><p>Perfect meme control.</p> meganeshounen /users/56556 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1670477 2017-03-23T03:24:39-04:00 2017-03-23T03:24:39-04:00 @cblangs on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Yay, sometime cat at night time will meow to get food. </p> cblangs /users/470464 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668981 2017-03-18T22:35:33-04:00 2017-03-18T22:35:33-04:00 @knossus on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ezekill said:</p> <p>Well Prinz, at least you haven't seen how Akitsu Maru and Oscar trolled Bismarck attempting to kiss the Admiral (though Kashima was helped by Hiei bro)</p> </blockquote><p>Oh nice reference..since Oskar and Akitsu Maru have "the same" facial expression, should we tag it as "Ruining the glorious moment" ?</p> knossus /users/108124 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668740 2017-03-18T08:14:28-04:00 2017-03-18T08:14:28-04:00 @argeey94 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Takeshi22 said:</p> <p>probably have to say, Oskar is even more handsome than anybody here</p> </blockquote><p>Cool Kat's got his priorities straight, too. Can't be <em>purr</em>fect on an empty stomach, right?</p> argeey94 /users/379652 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668667 2017-03-18T01:50:38-04:00 2017-03-18T01:50:38-04:00 @ezekill on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Well Prinz, at least you haven't seen how Akitsu Maru and Oscar trolled Bismarck attempting to kiss the Admiral (though Kashima was helped by Hiei bro)</p> ezekill /users/342167 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668612 2017-03-17T23:03:28-04:00 2017-03-17T23:03:28-04:00 @Takeshi22 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>probably have to say, Oskar is even more handsome than anybody here</p> Takeshi22 /users/474265 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668560 2017-03-17T18:08:02-04:00 2017-03-17T18:08:02-04:00 @somemadao on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>OOZ662 said:</p> <p>Hmmm...there's more than one occupant in that futon.</p> </blockquote><p>Bismarck's the type who tends to <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="/posts/1978420?tags=munmu-san+bismarck_%28kantai_collection%29">wake up with more occupants in her futon then she started out with</a>.</p> somemadao /users/407312 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668407 2017-03-17T08:06:33-04:00 2017-03-17T08:06:33-04:00 @oracle135 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>LOL at Dream!Oscar with the admiral's hairstyle</p> oracle135 /users/139013 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668395 2017-03-17T06:33:58-04:00 2017-03-17T06:33:58-04:00 @OOZ662 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Hmmm...there's more than one occupant in that futon.</p> OOZ662 /users/332700 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668374 2017-03-17T03:21:37-04:00 2017-03-17T03:21:37-04:00 @Mincemaker on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>JinWoozy said:</p> <p>"It's 0300 hours! Why on earth are you prepping cat food?"</p> </blockquote><p>When a cat's gotta eat, a cat's gotta eat. Time be damned. </p> Mincemaker /users/85999 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668360 2017-03-17T02:35:37-04:00 2017-03-17T02:35:37-04:00 @cloud04 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>i assume next page is pudding gets a "a wild admiral appears" scenario</p> cloud04 /users/472836 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668358 2017-03-17T02:02:43-04:00 2017-03-17T02:07:22-04:00 @ithekro on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>JinWoozy said:</p> <p>"It's 0300 hours! Why on earth are you prepping cat food?"</p> </blockquote><p>Your master is calling. Why aren't you preparing cat food, servant?</p><p>Also, how many want to dive into that chest?</p> ithekro /users/372491 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668357 2017-03-17T01:47:42-04:00 2017-03-17T01:47:42-04:00 @GinWoozy on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>M_Q_N said:</p> <p>pudding losing control of her life</p> </blockquote><p>"It's 0300 hours! Why on earth are you prepping cat food?"</p> GinWoozy /users/507219 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668352 2017-03-17T01:30:06-04:00 2017-03-17T01:30:06-04:00 @NWSiaCB on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Remember, you're not a crazy cat lady until you have FIVE cats, so you still have a buffer of three more, Prinz!</p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668341 2017-03-17T00:49:59-04:00 2017-03-17T00:49:59-04:00 @M_Q_N on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>pudding losing control of her life</p> M_Q_N /users/486960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668339 2017-03-17T00:46:09-04:00 2017-03-17T00:46:09-04:00 @79248cm/s on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>NegativeSoul said:</p> <p>This may be a sign that Prinz needs to get herself a significant other.</p> </blockquote><p>Oh! Ooh! I volunteer! </p><p>*promptly beat up by the pudding defense fan club*</p> 79248cm/s /users/375497 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668338 2017-03-17T00:44:59-04:00 2017-03-17T00:44:59-04:00 @rpgman1 on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Prinz's reaction face reminds me of what I would see in Hellsing or Drifters.</p> rpgman1 /users/367032 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668337 2017-03-17T00:42:13-04:00 2017-03-17T00:42:13-04:00 @Krugger on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>Welcome to life with cats </p> Krugger /users/108584 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1668336 2017-03-17T00:40:46-04:00 2017-03-17T00:40:46-04:00 @NegativeSoul on post #2661871 (prinz eugen, bismarck, z1 leberecht maass, z3 max schultz, and unsinkable sam (kantai collection) drawn by munmu-san) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/96/30/963066e43b9038671fd51d7355cc4199.jpg"/> <p>This may be a sign that Prinz needs to get herself a significant other.</p> NegativeSoul /users/437041