tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2676869 2017-11-27T13:58:45-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1768099 2017-11-27T13:58:45-05:00 2017-11-27T13:58:45-05:00 @lohjiahung on post #2676869 (fujimaru ritsuka and astolfo (fate and 2 more) drawn by tokinohimitsu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/14/a3/14a304afe8836d7015fd6d2c87b7540f.jpg"/> <p>gender machine broke</p> lohjiahung /users/470313 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1674167 2017-03-31T19:13:10-04:00 2017-03-31T19:13:10-04:00 @Liliah on post #2676869 (fujimaru ritsuka and astolfo (fate and 2 more) drawn by tokinohimitsu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/14/a3/14a304afe8836d7015fd6d2c87b7540f.jpg"/> <p>"What the hell? Doesn't this ride support 12 people? The park's about to close and there were only 11 in front of me! Let me on!"<br>"Well, young lady, the last seat is broken unfortunately... but if you're so eager to ride it, we can put something together to accommodate you..."</p> Liliah /users/22783 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1673896 2017-03-31T07:14:59-04:00 2017-03-31T07:14:59-04:00 @Xian_Avenger on post #2676869 (fujimaru ritsuka and astolfo (fate and 2 more) drawn by tokinohimitsu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/14/a3/14a304afe8836d7015fd6d2c87b7540f.jpg"/> <p>Well Gudako is happy</p> Xian_Avenger /users/508725