tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2719157 2017-05-10T21:11:02-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1688991 2017-05-10T14:03:21-04:00 2017-05-10T21:11:02-04:00 @Paz_Legalces on post #2719157 (junko (touhou) drawn by kyogoku-uru) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/e7/abe7f2c90e60f7631835db8111eaef24.jpg"/> <p>Although this version got significantly higher resolution, I don't think it is right to classify this pic as the Parent version instead of the other one; since the lower res Pixiv version also has an additional cool shade of green tinge that the artist seems to have added to the entire pic, giving it quite a different color profile tone</p> Paz_Legalces /users/346591