tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2722023 2017-06-08T10:46:27-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1702589 2017-06-08T10:45:21-04:00 2017-06-08T10:46:27-04:00 @AdventZero on post #2722023 (fate testarossa, takamachi nanoha, raising heart, vita, bardiche, and 5 more (lyrical nanoha and 2 more) drawn by niigaki_kazunari) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/f6/17f629c05c12ad64fcb0efec7cbfd5d0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>RiderFan said:</p> <p>Another thing: Nanoha has a large family (for magical girls sake) with both her parents in her home, and they care for each other. I wonder how Mr. and Mrs. Takamachi reacted to having Lindy as their new sister in-law.</p> </blockquote><p>If the hints to Mr. Takamachi's old wounds was anything to go by, he'd be a bit shocked but realized his family would never be able to escape from these kinds of things.</p><div class="spoiler"><p>There are hints that the Takamachis <em>were</em> bodyguards from their time in Triangle Heart 3. That is, before Mr. Takamachi decided to call it quits for the sake of his family.</p></div><p>From the ending of Nanoha A's, the family took the reveal quite well.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1702583 2017-06-08T10:26:13-04:00 2017-06-08T10:26:13-04:00 @RiderFan on post #2722023 (fate testarossa, takamachi nanoha, raising heart, vita, bardiche, and 5 more (lyrical nanoha and 2 more) drawn by niigaki_kazunari) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/f6/17f629c05c12ad64fcb0efec7cbfd5d0.jpg"/> <p>Another thing: Nanoha has a large family (for magical girls sake) with both her parents in her home, and they care for each other. I wonder how Mr. and Mrs. Takamachi reacted to having Lindy as their new sister in-law.</p> RiderFan /users/51538 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1702546 2017-06-08T07:41:05-04:00 2017-06-08T07:41:05-04:00 @Big_Mario on post #2722023 (fate testarossa, takamachi nanoha, raising heart, vita, bardiche, and 5 more (lyrical nanoha and 2 more) drawn by niigaki_kazunari) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/f6/17f629c05c12ad64fcb0efec7cbfd5d0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>CybeastGregarX said:</p> <p>Finding about their secret truly wasn't a bad thing if they are able to hang out together like this. :D</p> </blockquote><p>That's one of the things I really like about Nanoha: they actually tell their family and friends what they are.</p> Big_Mario /users/109547 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1690093 2017-05-13T12:17:00-04:00 2017-05-13T12:17:00-04:00 @Cy_Man on post #2722023 (fate testarossa, takamachi nanoha, raising heart, vita, bardiche, and 5 more (lyrical nanoha and 2 more) drawn by niigaki_kazunari) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/17/f6/17f629c05c12ad64fcb0efec7cbfd5d0.jpg"/> <p>Finding about their secret truly wasn't a bad thing if they are able to hang out together like this. :D</p> Cy_Man /users/390601