tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #288809 2008-07-29T18:37:30-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/104417 2008-07-29T18:37:30-04:00 2008-07-29T18:37:30-04:00 @Rengeki_Storm on post #288809 (louise francoise le blanc de la valliere, siesta, and tabitha (megami and 1 more) drawn by nomura_fusako) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/18/85/1885a87c7a255b2eb414230a54e85ba9.jpg"/> <p>Louise is total &lt;3</p><p>Tabitha is pretty cute in this as well.</p><p>And I &lt;3 Siesta and her big breasts.</p> Rengeki_Storm /users/14676 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/104406 2008-07-29T17:01:33-04:00 2008-07-29T17:01:33-04:00 @Snarf on post #288809 (louise francoise le blanc de la valliere, siesta, and tabitha (megami and 1 more) drawn by nomura_fusako) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/18/85/1885a87c7a255b2eb414230a54e85ba9.jpg"/> <p>&lt;3 louise</p> Snarf /users/63867 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/104357 2008-07-29T10:28:44-04:00 2008-07-29T10:28:44-04:00 @ter on post #288809 (louise francoise le blanc de la valliere, siesta, and tabitha (megami and 1 more) drawn by nomura_fusako) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/18/85/1885a87c7a255b2eb414230a54e85ba9.jpg"/> <p>&gt;:3 Louise</p> ter /users/64378