tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2964048 2017-12-24T14:48:02-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776539 2017-12-24T14:48:02-05:00 2017-12-24T14:48:02-05:00 @NWSiaCB on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Tk3997 said:</p> <p>As opposed to basically completely non Christian Japan?</p> </blockquote><p>Not completely. There aren't many people who are "real" Christians in the sense of a Western understanding of being fully committed to a monotheistic religion, but the Japanese will go through Shinto childhood festivals, have Christian weddings, and Buddhist burial rights, because their more polytheist cultural traditions see being really mercenary about which tradition you adhere to as not only being fine, but actually sticking to one religion as being somewhat suspect and potentially fanatical. (Hence the plot of basically half of all JRPGs being about how organized religion is evil.) </p><p>Also, Russians do celebrate Christmas, although it's more in the 'Twelve Days' sense, and the 'big day' isn't <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_in_Russia">on the same day as the Catholic tradition.</a></p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776522 2017-12-24T13:32:42-05:00 2017-12-24T13:32:42-05:00 @Oteck on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <p>kremlin fried chiken</p> Oteck /users/427320 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776509 2017-12-24T12:27:48-05:00 2017-12-24T12:27:48-05:00 @Tk3997 on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>GunLinser said:</p> <p>Gangut giving shit about catholic christmas =\</p> </blockquote><p>As opposed to basically completely non Christian Japan? </p> Tk3997 /users/66868 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776430 2017-12-24T06:09:48-05:00 2017-12-24T06:09:48-05:00 @GunLinser on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <p>Gangut giving shit about catholic christmas =\</p> GunLinser /users/427152 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776411 2017-12-24T04:24:20-05:00 2017-12-24T04:24:20-05:00 @NWSiaCB on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>EUKA_V2 said:</p> <p>Inb4: No gangut, that ain't Leon Trotsky.</p> </blockquote><p>Worse, she somehow thinks he's Stalin.</p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1776405 2017-12-24T03:36:06-05:00 2017-12-24T03:36:06-05:00 @user_538733 on post #2964048 (hibiki, verniy, gangut, and colonel sanders (kantai collection and 1 more) drawn by tsukemon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/33/ee/33ee56f6408274c5e833745deb392194.jpg"/> <p>Inb4: No gangut, that ain't Leon Trotsky.</p> user_538733 /users/538733