tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3024106 2018-02-18T16:32:54-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1793176 2018-02-18T16:32:54-05:00 2018-02-18T16:32:54-05:00 @Levander on post #3024106 (hakurei reimu, reisen udongein inaba, hinanawi tenshi, houraisan kaguya, yagokoro eirin, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by hex_aaaane) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/12/5812193575dd2323c39b4c286851ba21.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Saphyr said:</p> <p>Kaguya may be playing the following games:</p> <p>Panel 1: Monster Hunter (this one I know personally)<br>Panel 2: ??? (I have no clue...)<br>Panel 3: Sid Story</p> </blockquote><p>Monster Hunter is definitely right, I don't have any clue about the second either, but I don't think the third one uses any language specific enough to indicate one mobage out of many.</p> Levander /users/489400 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1793173 2018-02-18T16:26:58-05:00 2018-02-18T16:26:58-05:00 @Saphyr on post #3024106 (hakurei reimu, reisen udongein inaba, hinanawi tenshi, houraisan kaguya, yagokoro eirin, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by hex_aaaane) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/58/12/5812193575dd2323c39b4c286851ba21.jpg"/> <p>Kaguya may be playing the following games:</p><p>Panel 1: Monster Hunter (this one I know personally)<br>Panel 2: ??? (I have no clue...)<br>Panel 3: Sid Story</p> Saphyr /users/335433