tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3043170 2018-08-31T22:43:03-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1847063 2018-08-31T22:43:03-04:00 2018-08-31T22:43:03-04:00 @Assreaver on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ithekro said:</p> <p>The original designs hull color suggests Italian to me. As does the rangefinder on the later design.</p> <p>Also this sub has two banks of torpedoes tubes on the upper hull. I seem to recall a few subs had that, but it wasn't all that practical, since it seems more like a surface launched torpedo and not re-loadable (easily). More for finishing off prey without needed to use the deck gun, or your usual torpedoes.</p> </blockquote><p>Yeah, the "wedding cake" rangefinder is very distinctive. On the other hand, whoever built it might have chosen the design simply because it creates less drag under the water. But that's only a guess.</p><p>I remember the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://www.dreadnoughtproject.org/plans/SM_Projekt_50_1918/">Project 50 Tauchschiff</a> having something similar to that "broadside" torpedo design.</p> Assreaver /users/398130 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1845628 2018-08-26T06:25:49-04:00 2018-08-26T06:25:49-04:00 @Magus on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Assreaver said:</p> <p>I'm also pretty sure it's not French. The French didn't use 20cm guns, only 20.3cm ones. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only country that used 20cm guns on a large scale was Japan, and only prior to treaties that allowed them to use 20.3cm ones. I think it's purely fiction, honestly.</p> </blockquote><p>It sure looks like a massively enlarged version of Surcouf to me.</p> Magus /users/15864 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1844587 2018-08-22T03:31:59-04:00 2018-08-22T03:37:30-04:00 @ithekro on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <p>The original designs hull color suggests Italian to me. As does the rangefinder on the later design.</p><p>Also this sub has two banks of torpedoes tubes on the upper hull. I seem to recall a few subs had that, but it wasn't all that practical, since it seems more like a surface launched torpedo and not re-loadable (easily). More for finishing off prey without needed to use the deck gun, or your usual torpedoes.</p> ithekro /users/372491 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1844552 2018-08-21T23:04:41-04:00 2018-08-21T23:04:41-04:00 @Assreaver on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Magus said:</p> <p>I seriously wonder if "57cm" was a typo by the artist. Up until NATO standardization in 1964 the only torpedo calibers France used were 40cm, 45cm and 55cm.</p> </blockquote><p>22.5" (57cm) isn't actually that far off come to think of it. The US had air-launched 22.4" (56.9cm) torpedoes, which were basically shorter and fatter than the typical 17.7" (45cm) torpedo, so presumably these 57cm torpedoes are similar in fashion as compared to the contemporary 21" (53.3cm) torpedoes at the time (Submarines can carry bigger torpedoes). According to NavWeaps this would likely result in longer range but reduced speed. Britain even had battleship-launched 24.5" (62.2cm) oxygen torpedoes. The design heavily influenced the Japanese in their particularly famous (Or infamous?) Type 98 24" (61cm) Torpedo. Then there are 25.6" (65cm) Soviet torpedoes and the bizarre Kanyon program, but I don't count those because they're post-WWII. The largest torpedo known to have ever have been built was apparently 29.5" (75cm) in diameter, though apparently it rarely worked and was abandoned. <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WTGER_PreWWII.php">http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WTGER_PreWWII.php</a></p><p>I'm also pretty sure it's not French. The French didn't use 20cm guns, only 20.3cm ones. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only country that used 20cm guns on a large scale was Japan, and only prior to treaties that allowed them to use 20.3cm ones. I think it's purely fiction, honestly.</p> Assreaver /users/398130 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1844029 2018-08-19T23:17:50-04:00 2018-08-19T23:17:50-04:00 @Magus on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <p>I seriously wonder if "57cm" was a typo by the artist. Up until NATO standardization in 1964 the only torpedo calibers France used were 40cm, 45cm and 55cm.</p> Magus /users/15864 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1798437 2018-03-08T00:14:19-05:00 2018-05-06T06:48:12-04:00 @Assreaver on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Provence said:</p> <p><a href="/users?name=Assreaver">@Assreaver</a> Would be nice when you can specfify why you added <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/tagme">tagme</a> to this post. Couldn't find anything missing here.</p> </blockquote><p>99% of the time I'm missing tags so I assumed I was missing ones here.</p><p>If I were on a PC I would probably have an easier time tagging things but Danbooru is blocked by pretty much everyone so I'm stuck on my phone.</p><p>Oh and <a href="/users?name=DanbooruBlacklist">@DanbooruBlacklist</a> I'm fairly certain they're not even 8", I imagine 12" especially based upon the fact a 20,000 ton cruiser submarine was actually proposed to the USN in 1920 with 12" guns. The torpedo arrangement also reminds me of the WWI Tauchschiff proposal.</p><p>EDIT: Looks like you were right after all.</p><p>According to <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=46916070">this related work</a>:</p><p>&gt;Armament: 6 20cm guns, 14 57cm torpedo tubes (Kind of an odd measurement, never heard of that before), 2 7.5cm guns, 4 20mm guns</p><p>That's at least describing the first remodel.</p><p>Original design was probably similar, but lacked the 20mm guns, had an extra 2 7.5cm guns, plus two guns I can't identify (Might be more 7.5s, not sure).</p><p>Have no idea regarding the second remodel.</p> Assreaver /users/398130 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1798366 2018-03-07T18:19:38-05:00 2018-03-07T18:19:38-05:00 @user_525419 on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=Assreaver">@Assreaver</a> Would be nice when you can specfify why you added <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/tagme">tagme</a> to this post. Couldn't find anything missing here. </p> user_525419 /users/525419 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1798233 2018-03-07T06:25:38-05:00 2018-03-07T06:25:38-05:00 @user_491970 on post #3043170 ( original drawn by tsuchi2026) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ef/7a/ef7a9171cc4863647042b8df46c04bb1.jpg"/> <p>Welp Surcouf easily qualifies as a cruiser sub now that she's got the same armament as a York class heavy cruiser</p> user_491970 /users/491970