tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3064621 2018-03-28T06:40:04-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1804122 2018-03-28T06:40:04-04:00 2018-03-28T06:40:04-04:00 @joule13 on post #3064621 (komeiji koishi, reiuji utsuho, and tonegawa yukio (touhou and 1 more) drawn by warugaki_(sk-ii)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/cb/a8/cba8d96fb903ce605ffe66c283181686.jpg"/> <p>A good day followed by another good day.</p> joule13 /users/489860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1803772 2018-03-27T02:52:10-04:00 2018-03-27T02:54:08-04:00 @Helepolis on post #3064621 (komeiji koishi, reiuji utsuho, and tonegawa yukio (touhou and 1 more) drawn by warugaki_(sk-ii)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/cb/a8/cba8d96fb903ce605ffe66c283181686.jpg"/> <p>As mentioned in the pool overview as tn: I am having trouble with the pool title. '地獄中間管理録' specifically the kanji 録 which I've seen in words like 登録 (registration). Undecided about order of words and meaning: Even if dictionary says 'record' in the previous doujin he was "recruited" as accounting/administration. So leaning towards 'Interim Accountant Manager' but not sure about it yet. </p> Helepolis /users/119262