tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3093326 2018-04-19T13:45:39-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1810644 2018-04-19T13:45:19-04:00 2018-04-19T13:45:39-04:00 @Jarlath on post #3093326 (kitakami and muppo (kantai collection) drawn by sazanami_konami) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6c/2b/6c2b30197fc84dff590ca615f3d80e53.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Claverhouse said:</p> <p>Seems they do have lotteries in Japan, but top prize is 100,000,000 Japanese Yen equalling 655,396.71 British Pounds. Maybe the Japanese aren't as into gambling as their Chinese neighbours.</p> </blockquote><p>Not outside of gacha and pachinko... </p> Jarlath /users/56947 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1810589 2018-04-19T11:30:35-04:00 2018-04-19T11:31:11-04:00 @Claverhouse on post #3093326 (kitakami and muppo (kantai collection) drawn by sazanami_konami) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6c/2b/6c2b30197fc84dff590ca615f3d80e53.jpg"/> <p>It would be nice if she simply won the maximum lottery or something, and was just happy for good.</p><p>.</p><p>.</p><p>Seems they do have lotteries in Japan, but top prize is 100,000,000 Japanese Yen equalling 655,396.71 British Pounds. Maybe the Japanese aren't as into gambling as their Chinese neighbours.</p> Claverhouse /users/72775