tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3096234 2018-04-21T12:56:07-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1811204 2018-04-21T12:56:07-04:00 2018-04-21T12:56:07-04:00 @Myschi on post #3096234 (hiei, harusame, and irako (kantai collection) drawn by hamu_koutarou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/88/33/8833020686379b059a8f53e6527a0eb9.jpg"/> <p>And we know how Destroyer Hime was really born...</p> Myschi /users/179641 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1811195 2018-04-21T12:09:56-04:00 2018-04-21T12:09:56-04:00 @JaiZee on post #3096234 (hiei, harusame, and irako (kantai collection) drawn by hamu_koutarou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/88/33/8833020686379b059a8f53e6527a0eb9.jpg"/> <p>Harusame knows...</p> JaiZee /users/543209 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1811193 2018-04-21T12:09:40-04:00 2018-04-21T12:10:47-04:00 @NegativeSoul on post #3096234 (hiei, harusame, and irako (kantai collection) drawn by hamu_koutarou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/88/33/8833020686379b059a8f53e6527a0eb9.jpg"/> <p>I don't know why the Shipgirls don't just book it when they see Hiei in the kitchen. Nobody is <em>forcing</em> them to eat her (for a lack of a better word) food.</p><p>Also Hiei should really considering take a class change to Queen Lich, what with the souls of the damned lamenting back there.</p> NegativeSoul /users/437041