tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3141752 2019-12-05T07:21:11-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1966400 2019-12-05T07:21:11-05:00 2019-12-05T07:21:11-05:00 @10half on post #3141752 (olive laurentia and sigit martinus (original) drawn by norman_maggot) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/40/dc/40dc2708d0a0db072e1a59e5b7f8ac88.jpg"/> <p>12. <em>And a voice spake unto </em>Sigit<em>, and<br>said, "Stay thy hand, </em>Sigit<em>, for there<br>is trickery in her words."</em><br>13. <em>And </em>Sigit<em> stayed his hand, and<br>supped with her.</em><br>14. Olive<em> was shamed and bitter, and<br>gnashed her teeth, and cursed her<br>lord, and her bosom grew another cm.</em></p> 10half /users/47806