tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3345694 2018-12-12T19:31:17-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876686 2018-12-12T19:31:17-05:00 2018-12-12T19:31:17-05:00 @Shokkou on post #3345694 (admiral and anchorage oni (kantai collection) drawn by minarai) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/58/37584da06f9e7a32061dccbaf4212f68.jpg"/> <p>Huh. We've finally found out what the Admiral's deal is. I know that there were hints and whatnot in earlier pages but as far as I know this is the first time it's been actually spelled out for us.</p><p>Have to wonder just what was meant by him being the Abyssals' "hope for the future" though, since that could mean a few different things. Although given how this whole thing started there's one that seems particularly likely.</p> Shokkou /users/580342 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876527 2018-12-12T03:50:16-05:00 2018-12-12T03:50:16-05:00 @Kyrozen on post #3345694 (admiral and anchorage oni (kantai collection) drawn by minarai) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/58/37584da06f9e7a32061dccbaf4212f68.jpg"/> <p>Thanks, mate.<br>Huh, nobody got fucked in the end.</p> Kyrozen /users/417450 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876505 2018-12-12T01:03:12-05:00 2018-12-12T01:03:12-05:00 @DarkStar84 on post #3345694 (admiral and anchorage oni (kantai collection) drawn by minarai) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/58/37584da06f9e7a32061dccbaf4212f68.jpg"/> <p>I'm tired... Please feel free to ad tags at your discretion. In the mean time, I've got a bunch of "Transformers: Beast Wars" episodes that aren't gonna watch themselves. lol</p> DarkStar84 /users/450204