tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3346878 2019-01-21T06:47:23-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1887991 2019-01-21T06:47:23-05:00 2019-01-21T06:47:23-05:00 @cd_young on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Rathurue said:</p> <p>Well, the next logical step would be PornHub actually creating a branch division, PornArts that acts as the save haven for these artists.</p> </blockquote><p>Pornhub allows for picture galleries to be uploaded so they're fine.</p> cd_young /users/113971 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1879123 2018-12-20T21:53:00-05:00 2018-12-20T21:53:00-05:00 @Rathurue on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Unyubaby said:</p> <p>To add to the growing explanation, not only is this ban on porn with Tumblr hilariously badly done, it's easily skirted around by just using the tag #sfw. Also tumblr staff's example of allowed content was flagged too.</p> <p>To add to the list of sites welcoming tumblr refugees, Pornhub has also made itself known as a very big supporter.</p> </blockquote><p>Well, the next logical step would be PornHub actually creating a branch division, PornArts that acts as the save haven for these artists.</p> Rathurue /users/120517 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1879121 2018-12-20T21:40:51-05:00 2018-12-20T21:40:51-05:00 @Unyubaby on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <p>To add to the growing explanation, not only is this ban on porn with Tumblr hilariously badly done, it's easily skirted around by just using the tag #sfw. Also tumblr staff's example of allowed content was flagged too.</p><p>To add to the list of sites welcoming tumblr refugees, Pornhub has also made itself known as a very big supporter.</p> Unyubaby /users/483079 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1877734 2018-12-16T09:51:48-05:00 2018-12-16T09:51:48-05:00 @Drewko on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <p>Well, you people forgot to mention that actualy after that Tumblr openly outruled some sexual content (using very dogdy wording which made it kinda hillarious) and there was mass flagging of stuff happening. Similiar rule changes later passed on Facebook.<br>It seems that major social outlets are realy trying to purge sexual content. Sadly they missed two big things in this whole equation:<br>1. It's not that erotic artists have no place to go. Between Pixiv, Newgrounds, Twitter(tho god knows how long this one will stay free) and few other places there's no way to purge internet from their creations.<br>2. Porn is for plenty of people big part of their interests on the internet, which means that along with artists making lewds these social networks are discouraging ENTIRE MASSES to not use their services.</p><p>Either Tumblr, Facebook and others will turn back on their decision or we will see few of these social networks just going bankrupt.</p> Drewko /users/368087 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1877721 2018-12-16T08:38:14-05:00 2018-12-16T08:38:14-05:00 @Raisen22 on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>FinderX said:</p> <p>Umm, so what's happens ? Why the migration ?</p> </blockquote><p>as HaroldRowsdower said, with the addition of every porn artist who was in tumblr migrate or just undust other social medias like Twitter , Pixiv , FurAffinity , Deviantart , and even Newgrounds too (i would put HentaiFoundry but every person knows that site has some elitist prick quality policy). All because tumblr decide to do that , secretly at 1st , nuking some artists sites and the make it fully funtional. </p> Raisen22 /users/338871 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876950 2018-12-13T19:57:27-05:00 2018-12-13T19:57:27-05:00 @FinderX on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <p>Wow, that's too much f* going on. Estrange times we're in theses days.</p> FinderX /users/334419 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876946 2018-12-13T19:11:15-05:00 2018-12-13T19:11:15-05:00 @HaroldRowsdower on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>FinderX said:</p> <p>Umm, so what's happens ? Why the migration ?</p> </blockquote><p>Long story short, two things happened. One, a law was passed cracking down on non-fictional sex trafficking, and it might be too broadly worded. Second, Apple recently decided Tumblr's problem with child porn was too much and took the site off the app store. Tumblr responded by panicking and implementing a horribly programmed bot to flag anything that might be sexual, with the appeals process basically just being a second pass through by the bot. And by "horribly programmed", I mean "flags completely innocuous posts, will fail to flag a post it just flagged if a photograph of an owl is put in the lower right corner, marked tendency to flag non-sexual LGBT content". And the child porn problem left completely unaddressed because it was from bot accounts posting links, and the flagging bot only flags <em>pictures</em>. </p><p>This drove a lot of the porn on Tumblr - and a lot of the non-porn community - to seek greener pastures where they are actually allowed to post before Tumblr's December 17th deadline. </p> HaroldRowsdower /users/342743 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1876939 2018-12-13T18:43:03-05:00 2018-12-13T18:43:03-05:00 @FinderX on post #3346878 ( original and 3 more drawn by derpixon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/7b/7b7b1e742fc41256c0fc341d6d33bed3.jpg"/> <p>Umm, so what's happens ? Why the migration ?</p> FinderX /users/334419