tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3370845 2019-05-02T02:52:21-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1912040 2019-04-25T22:52:16-04:00 2019-05-02T02:52:21-04:00 @Xeno-The-Hedgehog on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>RedMoonGod said:</p> <p>Ill bet there is an interesting story behind this situation....to bad I cant think of one.</p> </blockquote><p>Akko, Lotte, and Sucy go to the restricted library to work on their respective studies. Akko is working on a rope-charming spell, Sucy is working on a potion designed to create mushrooms that serve as edible healing items, and Lotte is engrossed in a book. Diana walks in and sternly asks what they're doing in the restricted section, which starts a chain reaction. Akko is startled and botches the spell, which causes the rope to suddenly launch at Diana, whom in turn loses balance and falls backward into Sucy's potion. when the dust clears, they all realize what has just happened and react in the way that you see in the above image; Akko starts freaking out about how they're going to help Diana, Lotte is taken aback by where the mushrooms are growing from, Sucy laments that nobody will want to eat the mushrooms given where they grew from (not that it stops her from picking them), and Diana is struggling to process just what the hell is happening to her. Akko tries to untie the rope, but finds that it's too tight, and is afraid to try using magic on it, lest she make the situation worse. Ultimately, Akko opts to go find a teacher to help, while Lotte calls upon her fairy friends to try, albeit unsuccessfully, to remove the rope in the interim. Suffice to say, Ursula does not expect her morning to end with a distraught and crying Akko bursting into her office shouting "HELP, I FUCKED UP!" She drags the confused teacher back with her, stopping on the way to grab a blanket with which to preserve whatever modicum of dignity Diana has left, and with Ursula's help, they finally manage to unbind Diana (and in the interim, Sucy finishes harvesting the mushrooms, despite Diana's protests) and they collectively agree that what happened in the restricted section of the library should stay in the restricted section of the library. In the weeks that follow, Diana and Akko can't look each other in the eye, although Akko does ask Hannah and Barbara to pass along a parcel to her, which Diana finds contains a healing ointment that Sucy concocted to help with the sores. Things seem to go back to normal at first (Akko and Lotte suspect that Sucy has been testing the mushrooms, though they agree that it's better if they don't know) until one of them overhears a student complaining that one of the toilets has inexplicably become overgrown with mushrooms. More and more students begin encountering similar situations, and Sucy is eventually called to speak with the headmaster, as the professors believe she has flushed a potion, though she adamantly insists that she would never waste good materials like that. Things come to a head when Diana collapses in pain while walking to class. Akko and friends learn of this and rush to check on her, realizing that they'll have to spill the beans about what happened. Sucy surmises that the spores from some of the mushrooms must have stuck to a mucus membrane and taken root, and offers to help make a cure, which Diana begrudgingly accepts.</p><p>that sound about right?</p><p>Tune in for the sequel: Chariot Gets a Shiny Rod Stuck in her Croix.</p> Xeno-The-Hedgehog /users/316956 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1911924 2019-04-25T09:28:03-04:00 2019-04-25T22:32:19-04:00 @Xeno-The-Hedgehog on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>boomersooner said:</p> <p>Akko: "We're f*ckin' boned.</p> </blockquote><p>Sucy: "We know; you kept us up all night."</p> Xeno-The-Hedgehog /users/316956 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1910382 2019-04-19T00:51:01-04:00 2019-04-19T00:51:01-04:00 @AbominableSnowdick on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <p>this image just gets more confusing each time I look at it</p> AbominableSnowdick /users/550777 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1885696 2019-01-13T02:50:41-05:00 2019-01-13T02:50:41-05:00 @boomersooner on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <p>Akko: "We're f*ckin' boned.</p> boomersooner /users/134380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1882888 2019-01-03T05:26:20-05:00 2019-01-03T05:26:20-05:00 @Mincemaker on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <p>Normal girls have yeast. Diana has mushrooms. </p> Mincemaker /users/85999 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1882834 2019-01-03T00:43:05-05:00 2019-01-03T00:43:05-05:00 @RedMoonGod on post #3370845 (kagari atsuko, diana cavendish, sucy manbavaran, and lotte jansson (little witch academia) drawn by nekomimipunks) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9e/b8/9eb8139b2d87c1ebf82994acbc47c94d.jpg"/> <p>Ill bet there is an interesting story behind this situation....to bad I cant think of one.</p> RedMoonGod /users/423425