tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #341862 2010-04-22T19:21:33-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/484499 2010-04-22T19:21:33-04:00 2010-04-22T19:21:33-04:00 @Kageryushin on post #341862 (beth (shin megami tensei and 1 more) drawn by ikuhana_niiro) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e5/61/e56106c7fda710d8cfd455fbc144b649.jpg"/> <p>Her design was so infinitely superior to Hiroko's that it's kinda sad what happens to her.</p> Kageryushin /users/85175 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/176316 2009-03-11T21:44:17-04:00 2009-03-11T21:44:17-04:00 @Cruor on post #341862 (beth (shin megami tensei and 1 more) drawn by ikuhana_niiro) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e5/61/e56106c7fda710d8cfd455fbc144b649.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Dragon_Samurai said:<br>from what i remember she's from the second SMT game. her name might be Hiroko, i don't know for sure.</p></blockquote><p>Nope, it's Beth. Hiroko had blonde hair.</p> Cruor /users/105130 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/129947 2008-11-01T14:56:43-04:00 2008-11-01T14:56:43-04:00 @Dragon_Samurai on post #341862 (beth (shin megami tensei and 1 more) drawn by ikuhana_niiro) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e5/61/e56106c7fda710d8cfd455fbc144b649.jpg"/> <p>from what i remember she's from the second SMT game. her name might be Hiroko, i don't know for sure.</p> Dragon_Samurai /users/27464 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/129944 2008-11-01T14:48:37-04:00 2008-11-01T14:48:37-04:00 @スラッシュ on post #341862 (beth (shin megami tensei and 1 more) drawn by ikuhana_niiro) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e5/61/e56106c7fda710d8cfd455fbc144b649.jpg"/> <p>Uhm. I like this drawing a lot, but it's tagged megaten, and outside of Persona 3 I'm not familiar with that franchise... Hjälp!</p> スラッシュ /users/12866