tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3425776 2019-02-24T15:25:40-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897142 2019-02-24T15:25:40-05:00 2019-02-24T15:25:40-05:00 @NNescio on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>trees said:</p> <p>It's actually probably still Warspite. We know from Jervis's introduction to the base that Warspite does game, and is pretty hardcore.</p> <p>That or Gangut is the tuber, Warspite realizes she's being trolled, and is so nonchalant about it because she's already planning to dunk on Gangut.</p> </blockquote><p><a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/3426726">post #3426726</a> makes it explicit.</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897138 2019-02-24T15:11:06-05:00 2019-02-24T15:11:06-05:00 @trees on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Jarlath said:</p> <p>Probably Gangut, which makes her a better battleship. </p> <p>Why must all of Ido's battleship girls be cute gamer girls?</p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>NNescio said:</p> <p>Gangut using mocap, presumably. Unless Ido is going to pull a second TWEEST (like, I dunno, it's a collaborative work?).</p> </blockquote><p>It's actually probably still Warspite. We know from Jervis's introduction to the base that Warspite does game, and is pretty hardcore.</p><p>That or Gangut is the tuber, Warspite realizes she's being trolled, and is so nonchalant about it because she's already planning to dunk on Gangut.</p> trees /users/473906 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897121 2019-02-24T14:18:06-05:00 2019-02-24T14:18:06-05:00 @Famiel on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>The secret's out!</p><p>honestly, I didn't expect that plot twist</p> Famiel /users/553421 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897012 2019-02-24T08:12:03-05:00 2019-02-24T08:13:37-05:00 @Tyrswed on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>NNescio said:</p> <p>Вы думали это был «Уорспайт» <strong>НО ЭТО БЫЛ Я, <s>DIO</s> GANGUT!</strong></p> </blockquote><p>*ГАНГУТ</p><blockquote> <p>NNescio said:</p> <p>Well, she is a Putinist after all.</p> </blockquote><p>*Tsarist</p> Tyrswed /users/434325 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897004 2019-02-24T07:16:39-05:00 2019-02-24T07:16:39-05:00 @qwertyuipp on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Eventually Gangut will get an Abyssal elected president</p> qwertyuipp /users/528937 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896975 2019-02-24T03:30:52-05:00 2019-02-24T03:30:52-05:00 @FWP on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Now for a playtrough of Red Alert 3 as the Soviets.</p> FWP /users/381608 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896888 2019-02-23T20:49:19-05:00 2019-02-23T20:49:19-05:00 @carguy1701 on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>WHAT A TWIST</p> carguy1701 /users/436345 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896833 2019-02-23T15:56:30-05:00 2019-02-23T15:56:30-05:00 @Claverhouse on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Adorable Hibiki eyes...</p> Claverhouse /users/72775 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896827 2019-02-23T15:23:01-05:00 2019-02-23T15:23:01-05:00 @Jarlath on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ithekro said:</p> <p>Yes, but who is the Tuber?</p> </blockquote><p>Probably Gangut, which makes her a better battleship. </p><p>Why must all of Ido's battleship girls be cute gamer girls? </p> Jarlath /users/56947 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896813 2019-02-23T14:24:32-05:00 2019-02-23T14:25:14-05:00 @NNescio on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ithekro said:</p> <p>Yes, but who is the Tuber?</p> </blockquote><p>Gangut using mocap, presumably. Unless Ido is going to pull a second TWEEST (like, I dunno, it's a collaborative work?).</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896810 2019-02-23T14:19:55-05:00 2019-02-23T14:19:55-05:00 @ithekro on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Yes, but who is the Tuber?</p> ithekro /users/372491 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896795 2019-02-23T13:33:33-05:00 2019-02-23T13:33:46-05:00 @NNescio on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>oracle135 said:</p> <p>Comrade Gangut, waging a more advanced form of Information Warfare than the one attempted by Comrade Blue One.</p> </blockquote><p>Well, she is a Putinist after all.</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896794 2019-02-23T13:32:24-05:00 2019-02-23T13:32:24-05:00 @oracle135 on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Comrade Gangut, waging a more advanced form of Information Warfare than the one attempted by Comrade Blue One.</p> oracle135 /users/139013 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896749 2019-02-23T10:44:12-05:00 2019-02-23T10:44:12-05:00 @Shebadotfr on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>Look like Gangut is the bigger geek.</p> Shebadotfr /users/27572 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896746 2019-02-23T10:36:24-05:00 2019-02-23T10:36:24-05:00 @firechikara on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Elf_song said:</p> <p>What a twist. <br>You expected War-sama, but it was me———Kizuna Gangut!!</p> </blockquote><p>Whaaat?! My whole life was a lie then!</p> firechikara /users/53293 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896743 2019-02-23T10:32:35-05:00 2019-02-23T10:46:54-05:00 @NNescio on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Elf_song said:</p> <p>What a twist. <br>You expected War-sama, but it was me———Kizuna Gangut!!</p> </blockquote><p>Вы думали это был «Уорспайт» <strong>НО ЭТО БЫЛ Я, <s>DIO</s> GANGUT!</strong></p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896737 2019-02-23T10:11:52-05:00 2019-02-23T10:11:52-05:00 @Elf_song on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>What a twist. <br>You expected War-sama, but it was me———Kizuna Gangut!!</p> Elf_song /users/458730 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896727 2019-02-23T09:39:21-05:00 2019-02-23T09:39:21-05:00 @Jarlath on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>This makes Gangut even hotter.... </p> Jarlath /users/56947 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1896723 2019-02-23T09:32:50-05:00 2019-02-23T09:35:11-05:00 @NNescio on post #3425776 (hibiki, verniy, iowa, warspite, and gangut (kantai collection) drawn by ido_(teketeke)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/37/ea/37eab3cd965560d895758b1d93d38da1.jpg"/> <p>...<br>...Well played, Ido-sensei.</p><p>And you too, Babushka. What a cranberry video.</p> NNescio /users/333230